Day 1 of Momentum

Well here we are Day 1, the 21-day challenge has finally come to an end, or has it? I see that I counted backwards starting at Day 21. So now it looks like it is Day 1 of the challenge ☺. So I once again challenge you to create another 21 days for yourself. Keep a journal, and every day write down something inspirational for yourself to read and re-read. We all have down days it is part of life. The thing is not to let those days snowball into a never-ending cycle of suffering. By keeping a journal you can see how far you have come. You can read over those inspirational messages you leave for yourself. Tune into the light that connects you to who you are. Practice automatic writings. By channeling your higher self and writing what comes forth you will have a fresh new perspective on whatever it is you feel is standing in your way of creating the best life ever. I had a boyfriend once who, when I was feeling down would say, “Well, at least you can feel”. This made a huge impact on me. YES! I thought, at least I can feel today. I spent so many years self-medicating to get out of how I was feeling that I had forgotten how to feel. Today, I love and honor my feelings, and try not to judge them. I watch my thoughts and I am careful of the words I speak. I live in right relationship with the planet, my fellow man and myself. I am far from perfect but I can see my growth and I am grateful. Remember you create your own reality. Words + Thoughts + Feelings + Action. Plant a seed today for what you would like to have in your experience. Water the seed with love and intention for it to grow. Plant a garden in your mind and feel how beautiful it is. Raising our vibrations, and in turn the vibrations of the planet, is as easy taking a moment and breathing in the deliciousness of who you are. Love yourself in every moment. Remember you are pure light. I look forward to assisting you and your families on finding your passion in the near future. Please stay in touch by checking my calendar for upcoming events.
Keep shinning!

Day 2 of Momentum

I feel my gift is to inspire others. To give them the space they need to find their passion. What is your gift? What do you love to do? Remember when you were a kid and the world felt wide open, as if you could do anything you wanted? Your imaginations swept you away to foreign lands, and you were able to create palaces out of sheets? Tap into the child within you, and find your gifts. Ask that magical part of yourself, what does it want to do? You may be surprised by the answer. It could be a write a novel, or just take short walk around the block, paint, take a trip to the craft store, or a hot bubbles bath. Whatever your inner voice tells you, listen. It is when we listen to our inner wisdom, and do what it suggests that we find our passion, our gifts. The more we listen, the more we grow. Today find the momentum in your inner voice, the little part of yourself that gets pushed away with the everyday chores of life. As you celebrate this day of Independence find your own Independence, listen and grow.

Day 3 of Momentum

During the past 18 days of this 21 day momentum challenge, I have found myself so busy it was hard to keep up with myself. I know there is importance in finding the balance in life. Today I am resting in Capo Beach at my friend’s home. Time to reflect on the past month, my accomplishments and setbacks. Life is filled with ups and downs, darkness and light. It is how we deal with those challenges that makes us who we are. Throughout my life if things got tough I would push myself forward. There was one point when I desperately wanted to be a Junior high school teacher. I was already teaching at-risk, after school programs to youth and wanted more stability in my career. I felt teaching would give me what I desired. I flew to Sacramento and went before the board. Although I had worked so hard at getting my life back together the board would not approve me. One of the members who sat behind the long oak table asked me, “Why should we allow you to teach? What if a parent found out about your past and did not want an x-drug addict teaching their children?” I said, “Who better then I to teach your children? Someone who has experienced life like I have? I can really help those kids”. I was heartbroken but knew there was something else in store for me. Eventually, I was able to teach in a University and a Community college. If I had given up that never would have happened. Let this momentum challenge teach you to never give up. Do not allow others opinions of you drag you down. Live from your heart and keep on moving. Today, be the best human you can. Love yourself and help another to see their light. This is the new wave of the future, to get back to our roots, create communities of oneness, and grow.

Day 4 of Momentum

For those of you following my blog, here are the results of yesterday’s phone call from the Angels. Remember I told you Peter Sterling had called to say the Angels asked him to call me and tell me it was a very special day for me? I had already felt it as it was the New moon and solar eclipse? Well it was more than that, way more. I received a phone call later that afternoon from a woman in Monterey, CA who has land with a medicine wheel, yurt and 2 beautiful ponds. She has been there for over 30 years. This woman said she was directed to call me to come and teach on her land. I cannot explain how I felt and next week I will be driving up to see her magical property. I am as excited as a kid thinking about this next venture. The rest of the evening I created dream boards with a friend and wrote a list of seeds and projects I wanted to accomplish. We then had a fire to burn the writings and watch them transform. It was a magical night. As for the land, keep an eye open for the weekend retreat I am planning August 13th for the full moon. I will have new information from the mountain in Maine that I am visiting the end of July Mt. Katahdin is this spiritual mountains name. For over a year I have been dreaming about a piece of land where my students can come and sit in ceremony with me and learn more about who they are and how they see themselves in this ever changing world. I feel honored and blessed that I can be a beacon of light that people like this women with her beautiful land feels called to have me bring groups to her. I stand in this divine momentum of life and ask you all to join me. On this beautiful Saturday of July 2nd 2011 call upon the light, your Gods and Goddesses, your Angels and spirit guides tell them your secrets, your hearts desires. Release old fears and judgments and see your perfection. Send love out of your hearts and feel it return to you now.

Day 8, 7, 6 of Momentum

This momentum tunnel I created in this blog has swept me away. I find that everyday up to this point has been so full I cannot even find the time to keep up with it. This just goes to show that once you have created energy behind a thought you can get carried away. It has been a whirlwind of a week. Last night we finished the Radiance Now magazine for the Temple of Light in Lake Forest. My daughter’s ability to focus and create spectacular Ads for people is truly incredible. Watching her work on the magazine layout and create magic was an inspiration. Everyone involved with the magazine put forth so much effort and love it was a joy to see. I looked at my daughter work tirelessly on this project with a sense of pride. As some of you know my past could have taken me out; literally. It almost did. Instead I used my past as a tool to help myself, and others. I learned, and keep learning from my mistakes. I now choose to see those mistakes as life lessons. Life lessons do not have to destroy you. Instead allow them to make you stronger. Do not beat yourself up and allow negative thinking to control you. Take each moment to applaud yourself for all that you are. Overcome these challenges and move forward. Last week I started a 6-week teleconference series called “Manifesting from your Core”. This class is turning out to be very advanced work. Digging deep into how we think about ourselves and others and giving tangible tools to clear ourselves. Every week I am surprised at the things I say. Then again I know I was guided to create this blog and the conference so I should never be surprised, only grateful. I stay in gratitude, humbled by this experience I am having on the planet at this time. I have manifested an amazing life for myself. One free from worry or negative thinking. When I catch myself now, I loving redirect my thoughts and shift my perception around the situation. Today, catch yourself when you are in judgment, and jump on the back of an Eagle and fly!