Audio Meditation: Creating Space In Your Mind

Audio Meditation: Creating Space In Your Mind

Are you stuck in the same old patterns or have you broken free from your mind and allowed yourself time to fly? Personally I go back and forth. Sometimes I feel stuck and others I am able to make my way out of my mind. This is the ebb and flow of life. What’s most important is being able to create space between the thoughts in your mind. When you have mastered this you will feel more at peace.

Today create a few moments of space between the thoughts.

Audio Meditation – Inner Child

Audio Meditation – Inner Child

Past wounds can get stuck in your energy field and chakra body creating feelings of lack and fear as well as many other issues. Becoming conscious of how you feel is key. Throughout the day check in with yourself and see how you are feeling.  Notice how you feel around certain people. Do this exercise with no judgment; just observe.

When you feel as if you are getting triggered breathe and ground yourself. You can do this by simply imagining your feet are like the roots of a tree. Anchor into your divine line and attach it to the front of your spine. Breathe again and notice if this person is still able to trigger you or if you can fill yourself up with yourself and let it go. Connecting with our inner children can help with this.


Meditation & Prayer

Meditation & Prayer

There are many different ways to meditate. Sitting still is not always the answer for everyone all the time. Any chance you get to unload your mind do it. You can watch your thoughts as you walk down the street or as you are gardening. Expressive movement & dance are great ways as well. I find myself meditating when washing the dishes or writing. Try not to get hung up on the “HOW” or the “RIGHT” way of meditating and praying. Just do it. You will see and fell noticeable results!
Meditation on the Water
Try this now….sit back…relax. Take in a breath and let go. Sink into your chair….and let every muscle relax…just let it all go…..
Close your eyes and take another breath….
Feel the lightness in your body as your release your mind.
Send loving vibrations throughout your system. Remember the happiest moment in your life….see it now….Think of warm golden liquid… life force energy from the sun permeating every fiber of your being as it pours in through the top of your head and fills your body from head to toe. Clear your thought for a few moments…..
Imagine yourself living the life you want. Ask your guides, angels, creator, God, whatever you believe in to support you during this time of transition. Trust the Universe is here to support you at all times….feel the love and support from the unseen….this is truth…this is pure love….take this into your day today and everyday…..Munay!

Turn off the TV and turn onto life…now is the time….
Change your thinking, Change your life!