Audio Meditation – Inner Child

Audio Meditation – Inner Child

Past wounds can get stuck in your energy field and chakra body creating feelings of lack and fear as well as many other issues. Becoming conscious of how you feel is key. Throughout the day check in with yourself and see how you are feeling.  Notice how you feel around certain people. Do this exercise with no judgment; just observe.

When you feel as if you are getting triggered breathe and ground yourself. You can do this by simply imagining your feet are like the roots of a tree. Anchor into your divine line and attach it to the front of your spine. Breathe again and notice if this person is still able to trigger you or if you can fill yourself up with yourself and let it go. Connecting with our inner children can help with this.


Crystal Star-lite Rites on Awakening Code Radio

Crystal Star-lite Rites on Awakening Code Radio

Crystal Star-lite Rites Healing

This is an excerpt from Awakening Code Radio Show in Laguna Beach.

Imagine a crystal deep within the earth. This crystal lite and crystalline structure is the heartbeat of Pachamama – Mother Earth and connects you to your divine right to be here on earth in the full expression of who you are. When you illuminate this beautiful healing light all the way through your body and out of the top of your head, into your higher self and the stars, you connect with the highest vibrational light.

Bring that light through your body and into the earth core crystal and shoot it back up again.

By doing this energy flush you release old stuck energy and become open to recieve your inner wisdom and gifts. When you are finished disconnect from the earth crystal and bring this light up into your solar plexus, anchor it in and breathe. Trust your gut. This is your second brain. Now, disconnect from the star and bring that energy through your higher self; aligning your spirit higher. Anchor that into your first brain; 3rd eye. Trust your intuition. Now move some of that energy from both of those intuitive centers into your heart. When you always come from a place of love for yourself first these intuitive centers grow.

Connect to the Golden Light of the Sun

Imagine the golden light of the sun turning into liquid gold and pouring through your higher self and into the top of your head. Imagine warm golden liquid life force energy from the sun, re-imprinting and reweaving your luminous energy field Feel the warm golden energy throughout your body, awakening every single cell of your being, bringing total health and wellness throughout your body, pouring warm liquid gold out of your fingers and your toes. Feel healed in every fiber of your being.


Creator of all that is, thank you thank you, thank you for this beautiful healing for myself. Thank you for giving me crystal, clear, clarity as I move forward on my path. I know I am a being of light and I am grateful to be alive.

And so it is.


For years I have been teaching the Crystal Star-lite rites as an activation for my clients divine right to be here on the planet at this time in the full expression of they are. It is my honor and privilege to share these rites with you.

Many blessings on your journey of light and love.

Shaman Isabella

Crystal Star-lite Rites on Awakening Code Radio

by Shaman Isabella Stoloff

The Importance of Grounding

The Importance of Grounding

For the stargazers out there, the Orionid Meteor Shower peaks this weekend and has been creating a dazzling display across the sky for those lucky enough to see it. This is a perfect time to align your energy with our planet and the Universe by practicing grounding yourself!

Grounding is an important tool in manifesting and tapping into your inner light, but how does one ground?

One way is to get your feet in the dirt. Take off your shoes and stand in the yard, whether on grass or dirt, the earth has energy to assist you in grounding your energy. (Try this tonight while looking for those ‘shooting stars’!)

But what if you cannot get to dirt? It is as simple as taking a breath. Take a deep breath in and concentrate on moving your energy into the Earth. Take a few deep belly breaths and imagine you are going into the mother. Our beautiful Mother Earth is here to guide you and answer your prayers. Feel your heart deeply connecting with her, as you ground your energy and trust all will be well.

When you set a clear intention for manifesting and ground it in the earth the Universe hears you, and as it is the law will give you what you truly desire. I like to say, “Highest and best good, no harm to anyone,” when I ask the Universe to support me. Feel the love of Pachamama and know deep in your heart that you deserve the best!

Ground yourself daily. Have a blessed and beautiful week, Tribe!

~ Shaman Isabella

A Song for Pachamama


Dear Tribe! Can you feel the stillness in the air? The quiet after the storm? There is a new energy on earth and those of you who are “hidden healers” are awakening. Stay true to your beliefs and tune into your intuition. If you make a mistake see it as a life lesson instead of beating yourself up. Being kind to oneself is the only way to grow.


Listen to this song I learned in Ibiza, Spain while in a sweat lodge and watch the video I made in Italy…..feel the ancient energy all around you and learn how to trust your inner knowing.


As always you are in my prayers…
Peace, Shaman Isabella


Techniques for Stopping Mind Chatter

Techniques for Stopping Mind Chatter

A great way to shift your consciousness when your mind is running and you can’t get out of your head, is just repeat the word ‘LOVE over and over until you no longer hear the mind chatter. Breathe and repeat until the mind is clear. This works well when the mind is overwhelmed with thought, causing you anxiety. I like to ask myself, “Does this thought serve me?” If it doesn’t serve you, it’s wasting your energy — and that’s energy that could be used to create something beautiful! Today, listen to your mind and see how you can shift.

~ Shaman Isabella