Day 11 of Momentum

We are half way through our 21 days momentum challenge. How is it going? I have had to find balance so I could finish all I started and when I asked for support the universe jumped in and everything got done. We need to remember we are not alone and if we ask for help we get it. I talk allot about loving yourself and clearing your minds of negative thoughts in order to create a new vibration within, as that is what I believe this is what assists us in creating new energy bodies. It is the one thing we truly have control over. The fear the media tries to instill in us can only be battled by our freedom of choice and the love we have for ourselves. Today is the day to focus on the love you have for yourself. Can you feel it? What does it look like? It is easy to love someone else, to share a piece of yourself with them to show how much you love them, but what do you do for you? How do you know you are loving yourself? The first thing to notice is how you are talking to yourself. Are you kind and loving when you hear yourself? If not then when you hear yourself talking negatively about yourself stop and say Cancel Clear Delete. Then tell yourself, I Love You, you are wonderful loving kind compassionate. Look at all that you do and applaud yourself. Once you have grasped the concept of loving yourself you will feel more whole, more focused. Your mind will be filled with love and therefore you will have more room to create momentum and manifest from your core. Some things I do to release old thought patterns is journal. For years I wrote and wrote whatever came to my mind. When you journal, your mind gets clear. You can burn these writings as there is transformation in the fire. Begin today by loving yourself fully in the present moment and creating a whole new you.

Day 12 of Momentum

The energy this past 12 days has been immense; I do hope you are all taking advantage of it. Although I have been a bit overwhelmed and tired, I knew that if I could just get the first teleconference class under way I would be able to relax. Last night’s class was more than I could have hoped for. A wonderfully receptive group, open and willing to learn. The class went nothing like I thought it would and those that attended were taught actual healing techniques they can use again and again. Now I have the download for others who are ready to experience what I have to share. Sometimes I have no idea what is going to happen until it happens. When we were finished with the call I thought to myself, “That was a mini-Shaman class. How cool”. I am grateful to be riding this wave of momentum. I am able to keep myself motivated to finish all I set out to do this month which was quite a bit. The blog was not planned, but when spirit calls I answer, and I love it. I encourage each and every one of you to listen to your inner guidance and step up when called. We are in a changing world, one of love and light. Grow along spiritual lines. Tune into your inner wisdom and shine!

Day 14 & 13 of Momentum

Some day’s life just takes hold and the momentum is so strong it sweeps us away to unknown territory. At the last minute my friend asked me if I would like to go the Catalina Island over night for my birthday. Of course I said, YES! A quick getaway was just what I needed. The last time I had been to the island was in 1984 with my mother and children. At that time I was a mess. Looking at the photos from that day I see a shell of a woman disappearing into the dark void she had created for herself. While there I had memories and caught my mind wandering from guilt and shame, to mournfulness of how I had treated my mother and the void I must have created in my children’s lives. I wouldn’t allow myself to go there for long, when the thought would come I would not wait for it to affect my energy body and vibration. I released the thought in love and light and felt a sense of peace over the years I spent in the darkness, knowing that in the darkness there is light. This trip to the island was much different. I had an amazing time and we stayed in the Wrigley mansion on Mt Ada, where I felt the presence of his wife Ada and the memories that fill the rooms of that magical place. I felt blessed to still be alive. Once I arrived on the dock at Long Beach harbor I knew my focus needed to turn to the Summer Solstice I was having last evening. One of my favorite things to do is get my home, the OC Healing Center ready for gatherings. We had a beautiful evening of food, friends, music, and ceremony. The feeling of love is still with me. A remembrance of why I am here on the planet at this time. As I release my stories and the stories of my friends, clients and family I also release the stories from the planet. This in turn creates a lighter place to live, in more ways than one. Today remember a story and release it and feel your container grow. Fill your container with light and lighten the load for us all!

Day 16 of Momentum

This morning I found myself clearing and organizing my computer files to get ready to write. Then I began procrastinating by cleaning and doing laundry. Then I remembered my commitment to you all and so I began to dance. I danced wildly around the living room until I felt like writing. When I finish with this blog I am spending father’s day in honor of my father, Victor Stoloff-writer-producer-director 1913-2009. Today to find your momentum, get up and dance! If you are confined in some way then just move your arms or head. Find the flow in your movement. Imagine the energy building in your belly and shooting out of your spin. Dance the fears away. Let go of the past and move forward. By creating movement you will build momentum. Once you feel this momentum start to see how you want your life to look. Feel it now. Plant seeds to a new you. Once upon a time we were hunters and gatherers who walked for days to find food. Now we sit in our cars and drive through places that feed us poison. Food that has no nutritional value what-so-ever. This so called comfort food is slowly destroying us as a nation as well as globally. Our consumerism poison can now be found all over the world. Find something you are passionate about and move that passion into your body. Create something new from your passionate center. Movement is a great way of doing this. During our 21 days together I will teach you ways to clear your field and create a new energy body, inside and out. Start with meditation, then movement, and food, fire ceremony, and salt baking soda baths. Create a community. Treat your body like a temple, and get up and dance!

Day 15 of Momentum

any of the reasons we cannot move forward or feel stuck in our lives is we are insecure. When we are little the things that are said to us or the events that happen in our lives help mold and form our personalities. They say the first 5 years are the most important. I know this is true for when I finally got my life together in 1991 and went back to school I was able to succeed in part due to those first 5 years of life. Even though they were dramatic, they were also filled with learning, creativity and love. Yet even with all that I had an enormous amount of insecurity. This insecurity made me judge myself. All through my adult life I felt less than and not good enough. I always felt someone else could do a better job. With that said I also felt contradicted. I knew I was capable of doing anything I set my mind to. This is the duality of life. I have learned to love all those parts of myself for they make me who I am. I release what no longer serves me in love and gratitude. These days we live in a confusing time. We have more choices now than ever before. This is why I am teaching to trust yourself. To release any old insecurity, knowing you are divine light and love. By just saying the words I release insecurity and step into my true nature, you will begin to feel more secure, and judgment will disappear. When you are living in the moment full expressing your true self there is no room for insecurities. They will just fade away. Today practice loving yourself in the moment every moment. Shine your love out of your heart space and share that love with everyone you meet. For those of you that have been following I worked on my book yesterday and had much success. I found I had more inspiration to create. I also made added a page to me dream/vision book. I love cutting out pictures and words to paste and manifest. I went to Michaels a bought a hard covered black book in which to make all my dream-boards. Before I would always end up throwing them away. Now I have 4 years’ worth of lovely visions and can see what has manifested. This way you can track your progress. Today I turned 51 and feel like this is going to be one of my best years. I look forward to hearing how your 21 days of momentum went when this is all over. Stay tuned!

Day 17 of Momentum

Even when I take a day I find myself thinking creative thoughts. It has become a game for me. When I find myself with a moment to spare I fill my head with a visual of something I am trying to accomplish. In the last year finishing my book has become a challenge. Every time I think about it I feel overwhelmed, although I know it is time for the story to be told. My wish is that while I teach you how to stay motivated, I motivate myself. Knowing that you are projecting good vibes my way just as I am for you, I feel my book will pick up steam. I have always seen the finished book jacket, the title, me speaking in front of many people about my story. Teaching that transformation is possible. What I have yet to visualize is me sitting in front of the computer and completing it. So today I make a public pact to write every day. Just as I write this blog I will carve out time to sit and clean up and finish what I have already written. My wish for myself is to manifest this book by the end of the summer so it will be in print and for sale at this year’s Alchemy conference where I will be leading a group Healing through Movement workshop on the performance stage. With that said, I hold you all in the light of completing your projects and finding the momentum you need to succeed. Sit in a comfortable position and feel the red earth energy filling your lower half, at the same time bring down a lovely purple color throughout the top half of you, connecting you to the earth and sky. Now, mix the red and purple all around your body, all over your energy field. Whatever color you create is perfect. Imagine this beautiful color feeding your spirit, your soul, giving you momentum to go out and finish your projects with ease and grace. Today practice ease and grace in all that you do.