How to Ground

How to Ground

Grounding is an important tool in manifesting. But how does one ground. One way is to get your feet in the dirt. Take off your shoes and stand in the yard, whether on grass or dirt, the earth has energy to assist you in grounding your energy. But what if you cannot get to dirt? It is as simple as taking a breath. Take a deep breath in and concentrate on moving your energy into the earth. Take a few deep belly breaths and imagine you are going into the mother. Our beautiful mother earth is here to guide you and answer your prayers. So feel your heart deeply connecting with her, as you ground your energy and trust all will be well. When you set a clear intention for manifesting and ground it in the earth the Universe hears you, and as it is the law will give you what you truly desire. I like to say, “Highest and best good~no harm to anyone” when I ask the Universe to support me. Feel the love of Pachamama and know deep in your heart that you deserve the best! Ground yourself daily.
Have a blessed and beautiful day!

Trusting in Yourself

Are you the type of person who has always trusted yourself? Then this is not the article for you. I am here to speak to those like myself, those people who gave their power away and trusted everyone BUT themselves. Those of us that thought everyone else’s opinions were better than their own.

For many years I was a victim. I placed myself in situations where others controlled my life. I felt I always made bad decisions and so I stopped making them. I would ask at least 3, if not more people what I should do and then I would pick the one that sounded best.

In 1991 I began to step into my power and went back to school. This was not easy. As a single mother of 3 trying to manage was incredibly difficult, but I did it. Something inside of me was crying out to be heard, and although I did not know it at the time, this was the beginning of my spiritual awakening.
I read books on positive affirmations, and made new choices in the way I thought about myself, I did a lot of writing. I even burned some of it not knowing at the time it was a shamanic tool for release. I began to feel better, but I still did not trust my decision making process. No one had ever talked to me about my intuition or how to access it.

In 2006, my whole world changed. As I entered the world of Shamanism I found I was a feeler healer, as I know many of us are. Learning how to trust my intuition became a daily practice. I would make decisions based on how I felt. If I was wrong, I would not beat myself up, I would simply say, “That was a lesson”. Each lesson helped me to gain a better understanding of myself and how I worked.

I began treating myself like my own best friend. I spoke kindly about myself and to myself, and became hyper aware of my thoughts, words and actions. I became totally honest with everyone around me, most of all myself.
Once you become totally honest with yourself and take inventory of your life you can look around and see what is no longer working for you. In today’s world there are so many choices, and so much technology, we are getting further and further way from whom we really are.

Find yourself in the moment and ask yourself what truly makes you happy. Is it the new gadget, app, bigger house, or car? Are you looking outside of yourself to find happiness?

We can only truly be happy when we go inside ourselves and look around. Take a moment and breathe. Listen to your mind. What is the one thing you worry about the most? This is the thing you are giving your power away to. Stop giving it power. Breathe and shift your consciousness. Only you have the power to change your mind. The moment you decided to trust yourself, and become more conscious in your everyday living, the happier you will become.

Take stock of your life and how you want to live it. Clear out the clutter and get back to the basics. YOU are the most important person… YES you! You are the only one who can provide yourself with the comfort and care you deserve.

Once we start being kind to ourselves our intuition grows and we make decisions based on what’s best for us.
Make a commitment to yourself. Write a contract to be more loving, honest and compassionate with yourself. Those around you may have a hard time with the new you, but the real friends will stay around and admire your personal growth.

Trusting ourselves and teaching our children to do the same will grow a generation of leaders and our world will be a better place to live.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff founded the Orange County Healing Center. She has a full time practice and travels all over the world teaching and leading ceremony.

Calling All Bringers of Light

Calling All Bringers of Light


Calling all Bringers of Light!!!

I have been feeling the pull, the energy shifts, and the tremendous sorrow & frustration on the earth recently. It has been like walking through shaky mud for the past few weeks. I encourage you all to hold on, hang tight, and keep your VIBE high. No matter what is showing up right now, stay centered, hold your light bright, & TRUST. The divine light is working hard to assist, but needs your faith and positive thoughts in order to wake up more humans & bring peace to earth. All the writing I have done this month has been to give you tools to aid in the transformation.

Over the next few days, hold peace in your heart, feel abundant in your spirit, & let go of all the negativity in your life. Take a plunge into the divine golden light of the new year & create a mind that is free from worry or fear. We need YOU!

Blessings from Shaman Isabella

Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

So many of us are looking for ways to simplify our lives and live from an authentic place. We are seeking ways to connect in a more spiritual way with ourselves and others. But for many this can be challenging. We either don’t understand what it means to be spiritual or to have lost faith.

Light Glowing from Hand

So what does “being more spiritual” really mean? For me it means becoming more in tune with nature and the cycles of the earth, and becoming more conscious in my day-to-day life. It means remembering what it is like to be part of a tribe, a community, and becoming more indigenous. As I stated in my 2012 article, “It is time to return to our roots and create the new indigenous tribes.” For the past 5 years I have been weaving a new life for myself, a life that feels connected and conscious. Coming from where I came from this was not easy.

For the first 31 years of my life I lived in such an unconscious place, I thought that I was doomed. I worked hard at fitting in, trying to be one of the crowd, when all along I felt like a misfit. At that time I didn’t know I was actually a spiritual being looking for ways to connect. I believe this is what is happening with many people today.

Many are looking for ways to connect in an authentic way, yet have no idea how. Becoming more connected can show up in a variety of ways. Looking into the cashier’s eyes when buying groceries or paying for gas, or just saying hello and asking how they are. Another way is to do something kind for a stranger. My mother would always find ways to plant trees and give blankets to the homeless. There are so many ways to become more spiritually connected and live from an authentic place. One way to tune into your spiritual nature is by becoming more aware of not only your thoughts and words but also of what you eat. I used to be a junk-food junkie but in the past 20 years I have worked toward eating healthier foods. Since I cut out foods with chemicals I have found that I have more energy. Recently I started a green cleanse and am amazed at how much more intuitive I am. I have always been very tuned in with my clients but since this green cleanse, my intuition is off the charts. I can really feel the difference in my energy body. What we ingest is vital. Somewhere in our DNA structure there are indigenous cells. These cells are used to healthy foods, foods straight from the land.

Once we clear and clean these cells we can become more dialed in. It is this cellular memory that will assist us in awakening. Once awake our perceptions shift easily and there is no longer a need to stay attached to old ideas. We will begin to look at life with more compassion and understanding, creating more spirituality and authenticity in our daily lives. If you are one who is seeking to become more spiritually evolved, then look deep within. Find out who you are and how you tick. Change things that keep you from living your truth. Trust that you are a divine being with a mission and don’t let others dictate how you should live your life. Trust in your ability to connect and create. From this place you will be able to manifest a rich reality, one where you can feel whole, connected and at peace. It is important to keep a positive outlook on life and journal your progress. See where you are still negative or down on yourself and be kind. Go slowly through this process so you can learn to love and honor yourself. One of our many gifts as humans is the ability to create. We have this beautiful mind from which ideas take root and form. Use your mind and free yourself from old ways of thinking. Blossom and grow into the beautiful being you came here to be. When we become grateful for ourselves, and how we are showing up in the world, things begin to change. It is time to take root in the earth and shine our light for the world to see.

“Transforming my life has been a passion of mine for over 20 years. I look forward to assisting you in connecting with your soul at the deepest level.” Isabella founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, and speaks all over the world. She is a visionary, and after her sessions, she will leave you feeling clear, creative and connected. Isabella provides house clearings, one-on-one sessions, private Shaman training and spiritual journeys.

Published in Awareness Magazine June/July 2014

Question Everything

Question Everything

Woman at the RiverIf we begin to question instead of standing by, we may start to create the world in which we want to live. I recently questioned the smart meter’s that were put on our homes with no warning as to what the effects may be. So I called to cancel mine and was told I would have to pay $75 to have it removed and $10 more a month. So I have to pay to be healthy. This is the way it seems to be here in the States. Organic non-GMO foods cost more….health products, of any kind, even though they grow in nature cost more. We must take it upon ourselves to make the rules. Go off the grid as much as possible. Soon I will install grey water here to water the trees. Next I will look into solar energy. Do your part every day, and QUESTION EVERYTHING!