Tour Glastonbury’s Mysterious Multidimensional History

Tour Glastonbury’s Mysterious Multidimensional History

Travel to Sacred Sites of the Middle Ages
Shamanic Travel | ENGLAND RETREAT | June 20-28, 2016

Come away with me to the sacred sites of Avalon…
Glastonbury | Avebury | Stonehenge ~ $3330.00 ~ 9 days all lodging

Click here to visit Shamanic Travel for more info!

This journey will take you through many times and dimensions. The group healing ceremonies on sacred sites are a once in a lifetime experience that can help you get in touch with help from the other side. You may get in touch with parts of yourself that you’ve never experienced and realms of consciousness that are easier to access with a shaman and in sacred land.

The journey will be rich, emotionally healing and visceral. The energy currents in sacred sites are felt by everyone who visits them, whether or not they are metaphysical. In sacred ceremonies with Shaman Isabella, years of trauma can be healed, karma can be rectified and helpful spirit guides can be invoked.

Take the journey of a lifetime and see what magic awaits you…

Read on for more about
* Glastonbury’s Mysterious Multidimensional History *

During the middle ages, Glastonbury Abbey was possibly as important as Rome. The Abbey which spans three hills compares in size to Westminster Abbey. It was once the greatest monastic foundation in all of England. During this time, the monks are said to have made a remarkable discovery of King Arthur’s grave. Glastonbury is on what is considered ley lines, a strong energy vortex similar to Sedona Arizona. People report feeling a strong energy at these places and history seems to follow suit.

During our spiritual journey to these sacred sites you will connect to these ley lines and spiritual vortexes. I will guide you on inner journeys that will enhance your vibration so you can tune into the ancient energy. We will hold ceremony on the land that will bring a remembrance of a time long ago. One of the exercises will be tapping into past lives and clear anything that no longer serves you.

Join me June 20th-28th for a journey to England….

The Arthurian Legend
Different writers have slight variations of Arthur’s story but he is believed to be a late fifth century/early sixth century general who defended Britain against invaders. Arthur was a great inspiration to the people and legends remain that he will one day return to protect Britain. King Arthur, is thought to have been buried Glastonbury Tor, one of three hills the Glastonbury Abbey spans.

Glastonbury Tor
This hill is now surrounded by meadows but it is said that it was once practically an island. History says that monks uncovered the grave of Arthur at the Tor in 1191. In 1963, it was confirmed that the monks had indeed excavated and found a grave but unfortunately, King Henry the VIII had destroyed the bones, the tomb and killed the monks. Two sets of bones were recorded to be found in King Arthur’s tomb and they assumed the second set were of Guinevere. Before the The Glastonbury Abbey was established, the center was a celtic center for religion and the Tor guarded a gateway to another world. When the Abbey was build, another church stood there. It is said that Jesus had dedicated the church to Mary.

The Legendary Avalon
Glastonbury means Glass Isle and was another name for The Isle of Avalon. They believe that this is the location of Avalon because it was marshland. There is substantial evidence that is where the legendary king was buried because Avalon means “apples” in Welsh. One writer claims King Arthur was carried away after being injured in battle to heal at the “island of apples” or Ynys Avallach. Avalon is known to be the old world religion center. The Celtic priestesses here were known to be able to shapeshift into animals, see the future and do miraculous healings.

The Chalice Well
The Chalice Well water flows red and is considered to bleed the blood of Christ. According to history, it is buried over the holy grail. Legend has it that Jesus Christ’s uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, collected blood of Jesus Christ during the crucifixion in a chalice and buried it in Glastonbury. People now drink the healing water and there have been many stories of miraculous healing here.

Merlin’s Cave
Beneath the Tintagel Castle is a cave considered to be Merlin’s cave. As legend has it, Merlin plucked Arthur out of the waves as an infant. The area is said to be the birthplace of Arthur and it sits high on a cliff of jagged rocks, making an attack nearly impossible. Roman and Celtic warriors were said to hide out here in camps. Ships couldn’t come ashore and the cliffs are not easy to scale. The Earl of Cornwall erected the castle on the location in the 1200’s. It’s certainly a land of medieval enchantment rich in history. This was the land of Camelot, the grounds of knights and maidens, the Medieval energies are palpable.

10 Signs You Need A Healing Retreat

10 Signs You Need A Healing Retreat


Our society is fast paced and we often forget to slow down and really spend time planning the direction we want to point ourselves. Our bodies and minds are constantly trying to catch up as we scurry around to keep up with the unseen pressures of our modern culture. If you feel a calling to help your community, joining a group of metaphysical aficionados could be just what the doctor ordered! Our culture needs thought leaders not followers. The process of becoming a leader requires self-love and visions that will create a bridge to a new paradigm. A retreat is not just for you, it’s for all the people you will touch with an inspired vision and renewed connection to your soul. If you’re wondering if a sacred site tour is for you, see how many of these signs you’re showing to help you decide.

You Are A Sensitive Person

If you bombarded by negativity at work or in your home, this means you are a sensitive person. If you are affected by events on the news and feel like you want to do more to help people, you are an empathic person that can greatly benefit from being around like minded people. Sensitive people can make great changes in society but they need to learn how to create boundaries in how much they give and take on. A healing retreat can recharge you and help you learn how to stop taking on energy that drains you.

You Feel Like You Just Need A Break

Kind people often keep their nose down and work really hard but they don’t realize that everyone needs a break sometimes. If you’re feeling like you’re in a routine, bored or not growing, a healing retreat with Shaman Isabella can help you change your thinking and break ingrained patterns that are hard to see when we are in them. Getting away can help you take a bird’s eye view on your life so you can see what’s working and what you no longer need.

You Want To Connect With Like Minded People

Do you often feel as though you are not like the people around you? If you are interested in metaphysical subjects, healing, shamanism or are just someone who is more open minded, a healing retreat can really help you feel comfortable in your own skin. If you’ve always felt you are different than most people, chances are you haven’t found your tribe yet. If you’re interested in learning about energy, chakras, self development, meditation and more, a healing retreat is a fun and relaxing environment to connect with kindred spirits and grow your interests.

You Feel Drained of Energy

Have you been feeling blah or depressed recently? A healing retreat can help you create a vision and get in touch with your passion and life goals. If you feel drained and fatigued, chances are you need to take time to see why. Retreats offer a safe and supportive environment where you can reflect and refresh your mind. The value of slowing down and being fully present is truly remarkable and exciting!

You Want To Learn About Natural Healing Practices

If you have been wanted to learn more about ancient healing practices, a healing retreat with a real shaman would be an enriching experience. Your higher self will guide you to seek out the things that can be helpful for you and if you’re in the healing arts or wanting to join, spending a week with a professional healer can be just the inspiration and education to get you to open your gifts for others. In a healing retreat at sacred sites you will experience group meditations and ceremonies. You will have an opportunity to experience the energy, the healing and share with others.

You Love Meditation and All Things Magical

Are you always buying crystals, reading metaphysical books or talking about astrology? If you’re into shamanism, yoga, meditation or have been curious about what it’s all about, dive in with a fun healing retreat! If you have a strong interest in yoga, the chakras or other cultures you will definitely have fun and learn a lot of valuable and practical information to use in your daily life. Many people don’t know how to use meditation to actually change their life, a retreat gives you time to learn tools that you can take with you for the rest of your life.

You Are Always Helping Other People

Are you a habitual do-gooder? Are you constantly helping people but forget to take time for yourself? There’s nothing wrong with being there for others, the world needs more people like you. But you also need to recharge your batteries. Self love is something that a lot of natural nurturers need to carve out time in their schedule for. If you feel like you’ve been supporting everyone else, a healing retreat to sacred sites is the perfect gift to yourself. In fact, you’ll learn more ways to nurture the ones you love and it can greatly improve your relationships with them.

You’re Trying To Connect To Your Life Mission

Do you feel a little lost? Most people experience confusion when getting in touch with the deepest part of themselves because so many people don’t have the courage to fulfill their life calling. If you know you don’t want to live an ordinary life and want to find your life calling, a healing retreat with Shaman Isabella is a great place to take the time to listen to your heart. Answers can be found in the stillness and in the company of a professional healer.

You Want to Learn How To Create A More Positive Life

If you find yourself arguing with loved ones, complaining or just feeling like problems find you easily, you could benefit from the tools of positive thinking and empowerment that you will learn on a healing retreat. These are real life tools and lifestyle skills that should be taught in schools. Give yourself the power of positive thinking by studying with a powerful shaman who can help you recognize negative thought patterns and heal.

Calling All Women

Calling All Women

Dear Women, we have been asleep for too long. We have allowed our power to be stripped away and we have given- till we can give no more. Many have come before us and fought for our right to vote, to speak and to be heard. But there is still more to be done. We cannot lie down now. We are in a time of revolution and expansion. As the caregivers we will be the ones to birth a new generation, a generation of balanced, thoughtful children, children who will trust themselves, and listen to their intuition. Those children will stand up for their rights as humans, their right for clean water, clean air, and clean food. But it has to start with us. The women.

I write this letter to all who will listen, those of you who have been awake for some time, and those of you still asleep. For those of you who have found your voice, and those of you still seeking a way out of the lives you have created for yourselves.

First become totally honest with yourself, and those around you. Stop hiding. Stop lying. Start to speak your truth and trust the truth you speak. Learn how to listen to your intuition by hearing your inner voice. Once you clear the clutter of your mind you can hear your truth and start to see the signs of synchronicity all around you. This is why meditation is so important, for it is only when we clear our minds that our higher selves can be heard.

Mediation can be done in a variety of ways. It does not have to be traditional, as that does not work for everyone. Explore different ways of quieting your mind and releasing the judgments. Start by listening to your thoughts. Hear yourself, listen to what you are thinking, and if you do not like what you hear change the thought; simple as that. Once you gain control of your mind, your intuition will deepen. As women one of our biggest attributes is our intuition. Allow this to be your guide and teach your children to do the same. Ask yourself, “How do I feel about this?” Your feelings will never lie to you.

We are in a great time of awakening on the planet, of learning how to balance the masculine and feminine within. I believe by doing this we are helping Mother Earth to balance her energies as well. Expand your consciousness and live outside the box.

This year of the horse has been the fastest year yet. I have faced some of my biggest challenges, and come out a strong person for it. The year started out a bit rocky as you can tell by my early YouTube videos from the beginning of 2014. But by March I was up and running and I have been busier and happier than I have ever been in my life. I have trusted my intuition more and more, and learned how to follow energy. I look for the synchronicity life brings me every day and I stay grateful.

I recently traveled to Bulgaria and England to do earth healings and ceremony. One of my teachers Marcella Lobos gifted a group of women with the Womb Keeper Rites in Joshua Tree right before my journey, and at each ceremony I held after, I installed them for women as they were gifted to me. The rite of the womb allows women to release pain and suffering and embrace the truth of who they really are, life giving creatures, abundant and beautiful.

As women we have so much to offer. It all begins with us.

Be kind, compassionate, and nurturing with yourself, just as you would another. Face yourself and love what you see. Find the jewel in your soul and let it shine. Then raise a generation of intuitive humans, humans that love in order to make the world a better place.

With much Gratitude & Light
Shaman Isabella

Published in Awareness Magazine 2014/15

A Sacred Retreat to Mount Shasta

A Sacred Retreat to Mount Shasta

With Deborah Shea & Shaman Isabella Stoloff

May 14th-18th 2014
Mount Shasta Retreat
When I began leading people on spiritual journeys to Peru I had no idea it would become something I did here in the States. Since my first group in 2009 I have had more opportunities to guide people. We have explored Joshua tree, Sedona, Glastonbury England, and now Mount Shasta!

I am so excited to bring a group to the sacred mountain of Shasta. The energy there is incredible and this will be a time of deep rich connection. Deborah works with the Lemurian energy and the ascended masters and I work with ancient practices for connecting deep within as well as the energy of our beautiful mother earth.

In our busy days we find little time to connect, meditate and play so our creative talents can emerge. We are the ones we have been waiting for. But first we must clear our old wounds and learn how to use our energy correctly.

This sacred journey will bring many opportunities for expansion. It will be a time of ceremony and reflection so we can get clear on what life really means to us, and how to expand our consciousness and embrace our light at a whole new level.

During the Wesak moon (Buddha’s birthday) the energy on the Mountain is intensely beautiful. It will be a fantastic time to offer our prayers while getting deeper in touch with our souls!

Here is a peek at what we will be offering…Crystal grids, sweat lodge, mini hikes, Despacho ceremony and Healing through Movement.

Sedona Retreat 2013 A Journey to Your Soul

Sedona Retreat 2013 A Journey to Your Soul

A Journey to Your Soul

So many are feeling disconnected from their purpose. The day-to-day grind is beginning to take its toll. Our spirits are in need of a deep healing. We are so disconnected from Pachamama, our planet, our mother that we find it hard to connect to ourselves, our heart, and our soul. As we learn to reconnect ourselves to the mother we will learn how to reconnect our hearts to our soul. There seems to be a calling, as if something is propelling us forward to think more positively. The work that Louise Hay began so long ago is finding its way to people once again.
Sedona Retreat Spiritual Journey
So many people are depressed, anxiety ridden and stuck in fear. The drugs are no longer working and most people are seeking spiritual health and wellness.

Sedona is one of the most enchanting places to go and regenerate your spirit. It is filled with magical powers and hidden treasures. From the red rock mountains to the energy vortexes, Sedona is the place to be when one wants to take a journey to their soul.

Once you attune yourself to the heart beat of the planet you will see this is where all of your seeds are planted. These seeds will grow into the life you came here to live. It starts with you.

Transforming my life has been a passion of mine for the past 20 years. The world of Shamanism helped me see my truth. It taught me to trust myself, and release fears that once held me back. I now shift my perception quickly and I teach my clients to do the same. I look forward to assisting you on your journey to awaking the divine within.

Isabella Stoloff writes for Awareness Visions and Sedona Journal Emergence Magazines. She is a graduate of the Healing the Light Body School, and a Master of Fine Arts in Performance. Isabella founded the Orange County Healing Center and guides people on spiritual journeys around the world.

Join me at the Beautiful Sedona Mago Retreat Center for a Mystical Magical Journey to your Soul. I will teach simple energy healing techniques you can use everyday. Now is the time to empower yourself and know how to live a life filled with joy and prosperity. Call today to reserve your space! 714-603-8624.