by isabella Stoloff | Jul 19, 2017 | Energy Healing
A Journey of Transformation —
As seen in Radiance Magazine July/Aug 2017
I was in no way prepared for the awakening that was about to occur…
It was the summer of 2007. My mother passed away the year before and her death devastated me. I was in fear around finances and had yet to land a job in the field I was working so hard towards.
The last thing I felt I should be doing was running off to Peru on a spiritual journey.
But I had such a profound healing experience with the amazing Shaman from Chile, Marcella Lobos, that when she suggested I go with the Four Winds Society, I tuned in and listened.
When we landed in Cusco, the music that came on the plane was my mother’s favorite song by the artist Enya and I knew then that I had her blessing.
The moment I stepped upon the land I could feel a peaceful vibration. The air was clean and crisp, the people smiling and friendly. I felt as though I had gone back in time, and in a way I had.
We all got on a big bus and headed to the Sacred Valley. As we passed the snowcapped mountains (called the Apus) I could feel their energy and strength in every fiber of my being. We learned about the medicine men and women of the Andes, the Q’ero. I heard the word Ayni for the first time and the idea of reciprocity as a Universal law. I understood being open to give and receive is at the core of their teachings.
Although I had not yet fully claimed my role as Shaman I could feel the call begin to rise and was honored to be answering.
When I came home from that trip to Peru my life unfolded in unimaginable ways. Insecurities that had once plagued me began to disappear. I was finally connecting to my spirit guides and trusting my intuition like never before.
Two years later, I was guided by spirit to open my home as the Orange County Healing Center. I began leading groups to the sacred sites of Peru and England. On New Year’s Eve 2009, I lead a group to Peru to anchor in the masculine and feminine energies. While the Peruvians were dancing in the streets we headed up to the Temple of the Moon in the pouring rain to install medicine rites under the stars. It was magical and I feel honored to have been there.
~Shaman Isabella Stoloff
by isabella Stoloff | Jan 22, 2017 | Energy Healing
Are you feeling there is no way out of the tunnel, no way out of the box you have created for yourself? Have you been working on yourself but see little results? Does life seem too much to handle at times?

Many times, we think we have it all figured out. Some of us have tried and tried and tried and still aren’t getting the results we want. So, we settle for what we feel is our lot in life. Many of us have taken tons of seminars and workshops getting all hyped up only to come home and feel let down, as we have been unable to hold onto the vibrations we felt during that time. Here’s the thing. When we are around other like-minded folks, all seeking to improve our lives, it is easy to have a good vibration. But how do we keep it once back to our daily routine?
One way is to shift our perceptions. How I do this is to listen to myself and what I am thinking or saying. As more studies on sound and vibration are telling us everything we think and say carries a certain vibe. This vibe really does affect our surroundings.
Have you ever stopped and listened to what you are saying to yourself or about yourself? Do you allow others to affect your mood? Perhaps you are an Empath absorbing others vibrations. Trust me when I say you can change all of this. All you need to do is to become more conscious of your mind and what it is doing. Listen to what you are saying about yourself and get rid self-limiting beliefs. My new thing is, “How is this thought serving me?” If it is not, I change it. YES! It is that simple.
We all have control over our thinking. It is the one true thing we have control over. We can choose our thoughts at any given time. This is how I began my journey to self-empowerment and inner healing.
In 1991, I had already lived through the dark night of the soul and came out on the other side. It was a long a difficult journey, but I survived. I know that journey has made who I am today. Once I had re-birthed myself I began the journey of learning how to love ME and my inner child. Today, I teach others to do this by showing them how to “Become their own best friend.” When you hear yourself being mean or self-defeating you can say, “Would I talk to a friend this way?” If the answer is no, then change the language. It’s quite simple. I know this may sound crazy but try it, it works! When I hear myself comparing or worrying, I pretend I am a friend and I ask myself questions. I say things like, “What good will worrying do? What would you like to think of instead?” Then I think, “Hmmm, what WOULD I like?” I get excited about new ideas and raise the vibration within myself. Then I make a list in my head or write it down.
In the beginning I could not visualize very well. I am more of a feeler healer. So, I would think about the type of vibrations I wanted to feel every day. I knew I wanted to feel goodness, joy, love, abundant and so on. Then I would think about places I wanted travel or products I wanted to create. Every time my mind wanted to talk to me “realistically” I allowed my inner child to dream, play, and make up her life! It worked. She eventually won. I am living a fantastic, creative, joyful, abundant life. And when things don’t work out I know there is a reason. I trust the next great thing is just around the corner for me.
Did you know it is easier to create a negative thought than it is a positive one? Crazy, right? But it is true. Try it! All day today (and everyday here after) try to just think positive and see what your mind does. You can laugh when the mind gets freaked out or tries to control you with negativity. Help it to overcome itself. I like to play with my mind and my imagination and see what I can create. Since I have been doing this for years now it’s much easier than it used to be. In the beginning, it was very challenging. The mind always won! But like everything, practice makes perfect. So, I encourage you to explore this concept. Use your mind as a creative platform to manifest the life of your dreams!
For years, I wanted to have my own positive affirmation oracle card deck since I had received so much help in the early 90’s from people like Doreen Virtue and Louise Hays and their books and decks. Well, it finally happened! After 2 years of working alongside my daughter Victoria Craven the dream came true! I manifested the “Good Vibes” Positive affirmation deck! Unbelievable, right? It wasn’t easy for sure but it was well worth the effort.
You can purchase the Good Vibes deck here.
Things happen. I am not always on cloud 9. The difference is I no longer dwell in the past or ruminate over something that is not working out. Today I practice non-attachment. This is something I learned from my teacher Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society. My initiation into Shamanism from them was the place I finally found my own sense of spirituality. A Shaman is a conduit between the physical word and spiritual world. I used what they taught me along with downloads from spirit to create my own practice. I opened the Orange County Healing Center in 2009 and began seeing clients. This eventually turned into leading groups around the world and teaching privately to those who wanted to learn the power of Shamanism. In 2017 I will begin my new adventure, to teach others how to use my “Good Vibes” deck in their daily practice of mediation and mindfulness. I still cannot believe the decks are complete and here waiting to be sold! It’s a dream come true. I have come so far in my life and although I still have things I am working on within myself, my life has never been more beautiful. I am honored The Temple of Light OC asked me to start the new year off with a cover and this article. I am currently in Hawaii with my daughter celebrating her 25th birthday and the birth of our deck! Writing this to you all has brought me much joy but it’s time to hit the beach and soak up the sun!
Again, sending you positive vibrations!
Until the next time… Aloha~
by isabella Stoloff | Dec 31, 2016 | Energy Healing
I am so grateful to bring you more beach toning videos from around the world! Having touched the sands of Sitges, Spain, Brighton Beach, England, Tofino, Canada and now Maui and Oahu, Hawaii, I can say the tides and waves of the oceans speak to me just the same. “Here, let me cleanse your soul, allow me to wash away your pain. Let me fill you with healing waters that remind you of who you are-a beacon of light.”
Wherever you are at in life, allow the waters to heal you. Say a prayer for Pachamama and her children. I pray for clean air, clean water, clean food…and to allow us to live in peace and harmony. I set this intention and hold a high vibration for the blessings of this earth to continue.
And so it is … Amen.
Love to you all,
Shaman Isabella
by isabella Stoloff | Nov 6, 2016 | Energy Healing
How do you live outside of time? How do you become more mindful of what’s going on in your life?
I always teach my clients to step outside of the mind and not attach to the drama, and how to step back and take a breath and be in a still place. BE with yourself, and see how you’re interacting with the world. Know that there’s a bigger plan. When we connect consciously, we can become mindful of what we can do as an individual to avoid drama, family issues or lack consciousness (feeling like there’s not enough). There’s always enough, there’s always beauty in the moment.
What you are thinking, you create. The law of attraction says what you are feeling in the moment, you will get more of. The one thing you truly have power over is your mind! Trust that things can change! BREATHE IN…and OUT…and listen to the sound of your breath and rest in that moment of stillness.
Have a Blessed & Beautiful Day, Tribe!
by isabella Stoloff | Oct 23, 2016 | Energy Healing
For the stargazers out there, the Orionid Meteor Shower peaks this weekend and has been creating a dazzling display across the sky for those lucky enough to see it. This is a perfect time to align your energy with our planet and the Universe by practicing grounding yourself!
Grounding is an important tool in manifesting and tapping into your inner light, but how does one ground?
One way is to get your feet in the dirt. Take off your shoes and stand in the yard, whether on grass or dirt, the earth has energy to assist you in grounding your energy. (Try this tonight while looking for those ‘shooting stars’!)
But what if you cannot get to dirt? It is as simple as taking a breath. Take a deep breath in and concentrate on moving your energy into the Earth. Take a few deep belly breaths and imagine you are going into the mother. Our beautiful Mother Earth is here to guide you and answer your prayers. Feel your heart deeply connecting with her, as you ground your energy and trust all will be well.
When you set a clear intention for manifesting and ground it in the earth the Universe hears you, and as it is the law will give you what you truly desire. I like to say, “Highest and best good, no harm to anyone,” when I ask the Universe to support me. Feel the love of Pachamama and know deep in your heart that you deserve the best!
Ground yourself daily. Have a blessed and beautiful week, Tribe!
~ Shaman Isabella