As the Good Vibes Gatherings are shaping up, I am reminded to sit still and listen. It is in the listening that I hear spirit.
As I embarked upon this last weekend I knew it might be challenging. It has been awhile since I’ve done group gatherings outside of the Orange County Healing Center, other than down the street at BOTI studio (If you haven’t gone to check them out, Google what they are up to) and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

At the OC Yoga festival, I found a lovely group of open-minded individuals who were ready to step beyond their minds and share their hearts. The one message that truly stood out to me was… how we give our power away… the power of love…
Since I am teaching to love yourself as you love another, I posed this question, “How do you show your love to another?” What struck me hard was this answer, by more than one person, “I try to make them feel special, or worthy…like they are enough.

I cannot tell you how many relationships I was in where I would see a man’s potential, who he could be, rather than who he was. I poured my love into him hoping he would change. Of course this never worked, and I was left with feelings of disappointment or anger, and feelings of not being good enough. Or, even friendships where I was always giving, left with the feeling of being taken advantage of. Once I learned to trust and love myself more these types of relationship’s changed.

After everyone shared, I came back to this point, “If we do not have feelings of worthiness ourselves…if we do not know how special we are… if we cannot feel our own love, this love we pour into others… how can we ever attract it?”
The day after the festival I went to Whittier to hold the next Gathering. Again, I was a bit nervous, as I did not know the type of folks that would come. After all, this was in a restaurant in downtown Whittier! If you haven’t been to the Modern Shaman Kitchen on Greenleaf, you are missing out! It’s totally VEGAN! In WHIITER!!! And they happen to be a couple of groovy people I met many years ago when I did an opening ceremony for a friend in Laguna.
People who I’ve never met before open to a group healing (Which, BTW, I had no idea I was doing. I had a whole other class prepared for them). They bared their souls with one another. With open hearts they wanted to feel the shift… and they did. Just like the group Saturday, these loving hearts were ready to LOVE THEMSELVES MORE! The energy was beautiful and we all left glowing.

That morning, before the Whittier gathering, a friend in Durango, CO. reached out. She wanted me to come and bless her land and have a gathering around her medicine wheel. We had been talking about me coming for a couple of years and this
time I said yes! On August 11th, I will be with a whole new group of souls ready to love and open up their hearts to the infinite wisdom within.
When we fall more in love with ourselves, our world will change.
I look forward to being with you in ceremony soon…
Shaman Isabella