Conversation with Isabella Stoloff

Conversation with Isabella Stoloff

by Christina Hamlett

Isabella Stoloff, Shaman

“Healing is a matter of time,” wrote Hippocrates, “but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”
Too often in the frenetic pace of day-to-day living, we make the mistake of believing that whatever is vexing us will eventually go away if we just ignore it long enough. Sometimes we may not even know what it is that’s off-kilter until it manifests to the point of jeopardizing our health, our relationships and our spiritual connectivity. Isabella Stoloff, Founder of the Orange County Healing Center (, is a Shaman who guides her clients in the techniques of embracing a positive mindset and empowering themselves from the inside out.


Q: What, exactly, is a Shaman and how does this ancient-sounding practice interface with all of the hurry-up demands put upon us in the 21st century?

A: Very simply put, a Shaman is a conduit between the spiritual world and physical world. Shamans traditionally were the medicine men and women of the tribe. People came to them with their troubles, and ailments, and the Shamans were able to assist them using a variety of healing techniques. They prayed to the mountains and the earth for protection and guidance. Most of all they trusted their spiritual intuition to guide them. Today we are faced with different issues, many of which stem from disempowerment. When a client comes to me with their problem I assist them in releasing the issue so they feel better and can begin to see things from a different perspective. I work at the soul level so my clients reconnect to themselves and the planet in a whole new way. I give people tangible tools for creating more peace and tranquility in their lives. One of the techniques I teach is how to release the negative mind using the 17-second rule. Everyone today is talking about meditation and positive thinking, but are so wrapped up in the day-to-day life they have no idea where to start. After just one session, my clients feel clear and empowered again. I feel honored to be able to assist others in finding their true authentic self.

Q: What attracted you to Shamanism as your life’s calling?

A: In 2006 my mother had been in a home with dementia for over a year, and I was in Idaho getting my MFA in performance. It was as if I could hear my mother calling in my mind, asking me to help her. I would hear her voice say, “Get me out of here.” At the time I, too, felt very stuck in my life. I had been with the same man for nine years and there was no ring in sight, I needed to have knee surgeries and a liver biopsy and none of these issues were being resolved. When I heard my mother calling me I thought, “How can I help you when I can’t even help myself?”
Then someone suggested I see a Peruvian Shaman. I had never heard of Shamanism except in the Native American tradition, and really had no idea what they did, and a Peruvian Shaman felt even more farfetched. But my mother raised me to be very accepting of others’ religions and quite open-minded, so even though the idea was foreign to me I went for it. Within the first month after the healing, my mother passed. Within the following six-month period I had the knee surgeries, liver biopsy, broke up with the boyfriend and moved my daughter back to California. My life changed so dramatically, and so quickly, I felt I needed to take a deeper look into Shamanism.
I began studying the work of Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Qero Shaman. Through my studies and trips to Peru and the Amazon jungle I realized this was my life’s calling. Now I assist others in finding their authentic self. This is truly an amazing time to be alive. Many people are finally realizing that their bodies and their minds are amazing tools. That consciousness lives in every single cell and that when we learn how to retrain our thinking our whole world will change. I love this statement for I feel it is so true, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind”, and that is what I have done. I myself have been transformed, and in return I mentor and teach others to do the same.

Q: What were you doing prior to starting your business four years ago?

A: Prior to 1991 my life was very challenging. I went through some extremely difficult times. It is those challenges that have assisted me in becoming the Shaman I am today. Here are some of the things that I did to assist me in raising three children on my own during my education: While in junior college I started a group for women to be able to talk about their problems. I also put together a Student’s 4 Kids club to raise money for the building of the new children’s center. I practiced Louise Hay’s positive affirmations daily, and trusted that I was the creator of my world.
After getting my BA I founded an at- risk teen program called “For the Love of Acting” which taught students how to write their life stories and perform the monologues. I also worked for Campfire Boy and Girls teaching empowerment classes in the school district. Things were not always easy but I stayed positive and had my eye on the goal of a Master’s degree. After that I went on to work as a gang intervention specialist. That was a tough job but I learned so much. I was finally accepted to a graduate program in Moscow, Idaho and packed up my then 10-year old daughter and moved. While in school there I taught and worked as a fundraiser for the Latah Trail foundation building a trail between the two towns.
I returned to California in 2007 and I found a job teaching Acting and Public speaking at Fullerton College. I performed in some community theatre productions and performed my one-woman show, Abreaction; a collection of women’s stories. I created that show by interviewing women and asking them, “What was the event that changed your life?” When I graduated from my Shaman training program, my daughter was about to go off to college at Parsons in NY and I was preparing for the empty nest. It was an interesting time of letting go and stepping into my new life all at the same time.

Q: How does one make a full-fledged career out of a pursuit that is so spiritual in nature?

A: That’s a great question. When I started on this path I had no intention of calling myself a Shaman or a healer because I believe we are all Shamans and healers of one kind or another; we have just forgotten how to tap into source. In 2009 I lost my job at the college right before leading a group to Peru. Rather than looking at it as negative, I saw it as a sign that spirit wanted me doing healings full time. I turned my home into the Orange County Healing Center and never looked back. At that time I knew nothing about business. I could barely turn on a computer! But I taught myself how. Every morning I would wake up and sit at the computer and tune into spirit. I would ask to be guided and I was. I truly believe I was taught by spirit and by trusting the process. In the beginning it was very hard for me to charge for my services even though I had no problem paying for my training and personal healings. I had to overcome many things, fears, insecurities, lack consciousness and most of all a negative mind. In my heart I knew that this was why I had come to the planet, this made my life up to that point make so much sense. I was not meant to teach acting; I was to teach people how to empower themselves by reconnecting them to their spirit and Mother Earth.

Q: Why do you feel spiritual healing is important?

A: We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We have just lost our connection. Many people practice religion but still feel as if something is missing in their lives. I feel this is in part due to how disconnected we are from the Earth, our Mother, as well as the fact that we are disconnected from ourselves. I believe that everything that has ever happened to us creates a memory imprint on our energy body and that unless the imprint is healed and cleared we will continue to access from that old wound. These old imprints reactivate when we are triggered by loved ones, society, jobs, and it’s like we are stuck in time, still stuck in the issue. Talk therapy is great because at least you are finally talking about the problem, but it is not enough. We must heal the scene from our energy body if we are ever to fully move forward and no longer be triggered. The work I do clears the negative imprint so I can bring back the lost part, whole happy and healed. These spiritual healings help my clients feel empowered to move forward in their lives.

Q: If someone had never been to a Shaman before and came to you for the first time, what might they expect from their initial session?

A: It is much like going to see a therapist. People come to me and tell me their problems. While they are talking to me I can actually feel their pain and I track their energy body to find out where they feel they lost the biggest part of themselves. After talking and tracking where the biggest blocks are, we go into my healing room and I set up a sacred space. I then use a rattle and a crystal and clean and clear their energy body so they begin to feel more of their own light. I then spiritually travel to either the current day issue or past life issue and heal it. I bring back the lost part of themselves so they feel whole again. In some instances I also bring a gift or power animal. It is very beautiful. After the session we talk about different techniques I have developed for staying spiritual fit.

Q: What types of healing are your clients typically seeking?

A: Some want past life soul retrievals, or chakra balancing or they feel heavy energy. Some come because they feel blocked and unable to move forward in their life. Others come because they feel something is not quite right. I also offer house clearings and blessings so from time to time I get hired to come and clear an office building, home or land. Many people have never seen a spiritual healer and have tried many different methods to feel better and nothing has worked. I love these experiences because when these people work with me they feel so much better and can actually see a difference. It is truly amazing.

Q: It’s often said that thoughts become things and, accordingly, people should focus their energies on positive experiences and outcomes. How, though, can they accomplish this and feel personally empowered if their lives seem to be one disappointment, frustration, or setback after another?

A: This is another one of the many reasons people come to see me, the negative mind. In our society we are subjected to so many things. The commercials on TV tell us we need all these different things to make our lives better. The magazines tell us we need to look a certain way or be a certain weight. Then our minds want to fix on what’s not working in our lives. Did you know it is easier to create a negative thought then a positive one? Why is this? I have yet to figure this one out, but it is true. A few years back I began to play with my mind. Whenever I wanted to focus on what was not working or judge or be negative, I would gently redirect my mind to think of something beautiful and positive. I found it was not an easy task. It is a daily job to constantly remind oneself to think positively, but it’s well worth the effort.
Every day find something to be grateful for. Keep your thoughts and vibration positive. Bruce Lipton has a book called The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles. In this book he shows how positive thinking can affect us at a cellular level. When I started teaching people about how to redirect their thoughts and talked about the cells as having consciousness, I had not heard of this book. I am happy that scientists are finally seeing the power of the body, mind and spirit. In answer to your question, I have personally taken myself from the darkness into the light using positive affirmations and forward moving action. We must learn how to focus on, and be grateful for every little thing in our lives.

Q: Technology is not only making us more and more insular in our interpersonal relationships but, to a major extent, disconnecting us from Earth and nature in general. What are some ways that people can plug back into the things that are really important about the beauty of human existence?

A: Gratitude. Becoming grateful for simple things, for being able to smell, walk, or touch the earth. When we begin to look at linear time as a manmade construct and follow the cycles of the earth, we begin to drop back into a simpler time. Find some way to have a small garden and teach your children about GMO seeds and processed foods. Show them how to get their feet in the dirt and plant a seed, or eat off the trees and the interpersonal relationships will once again flourish. Community dinners and conversations about sustainable living will bring us back to the feeling of Oneness.
I also believe in fire ceremony and swimming in the ocean, or taking a salt bath. Since we are all made up of energy and sit in front of computers or on our phones, we are short-circuiting our systems. We are becoming disconnected from our inner GPS. We no longer know the names of the streets nor teach our children this important skill. Nor do we memorize phone numbers or write letters. Simple things are being lost. These simple things helped our minds to be strong and creative. Fire ceremony is a great way to reconnect. Fire is transformational and a great symbol for release. Find ways to honor the earth, the mountains, and the sea, all creatures of the world. Begin to reconnect your spirit by paying attention to the animal kingdom, the plant world, your heart, and give thanks.

Q: For you, what is the difference between being religious and being spiritual?

A: I think religions are beautiful and a nice way to meet people who believe as you do. The problem I have found is they also create separation. People fight over religion and it creates judgments. For me, not being connected to just one religion gives me the ability to help many people from many different walks of life. My religion is found in the Earth, the mountains, trees and water. God is everywhere and in everything. I feel connected to every living thing.

Q: Tell us about some of the writing you’ve done related to spiritual healing and personal empowerment.

A: I’ve been writing for Awareness and Visions Magazine since 2010. Many of my articles focus on creating a positive mindset and environment. I recently wrote about our food system and how we must all become conscious around what we eat, and shop for local organic non-GMO foods. I have also written on becoming a Shaman in your own life. Many of my articles can be found on my website, some even have meditations written into them.

Q: What would most people be surprised to learn about you?

A: That I am really very shy. I had to work hard at getting myself “Out there” and even now there is still a very shy part of me. Perhaps it is why I am still single. My youngest always says, “Mom you are not going to meet someone in the house!” Boy is she right! I do love my home.

Q: Reading the papers, watching the news and even reading Facebook posts can leave us feeling as if humanity is down sliding to doom. What are your thoughts on the topic and what is your wish for making it better?

A: Again I will say focus on what is working instead of what is not. I do not watch the news or TV or read the paper. As a matter of fact, I do not even have a television in my home. When it is important, real news I find out. I dated a newspaper man years ago and when he enlightened me on how much real news was kept out of the public, I was shocked and decided to find things out for myself rather than allowing them to feed me. On Facebook I only promote or post positive things. Now you may say, “Well she has her head in the sand.” I beg to differ. What I am actually doing is projecting out into the Universe what I wish for my world. I am creating it in every breath I take. I sign the petitions for clean water and non-GMO food or manmade salmon, things of that nature. I stay on top of subjects that are important to me. But I believe that if I can create my own reality then I can also create my own world. The media feeds us so many things that are not true. We have to use our own intuition, our inner guidance to direct our lives. Stop allowing the media or other things to poison your minds. Use the time instead to create the thoughts and vibration you want your family to be in. This is my wish, I wish for everyone to wake up and see the truth. I always say if it is negative or makes you feel bad then it is a lie. If it is positive or makes you feel good, it is the truth. If every one of us began to come together as whole people in a whole world and fight for the betterment of Mother Nature, our planet and everything in it would be different. So that is what I am doing. I am working toward the day when everyone can call each other brother and sister. A day when humanity says enough is enough and begins to focus on how we as a population can survive on this beautiful planet of ours. A day when we can look at her as the living, breathing organism that she is. Our Mother Earth is a living being. As we tap into our spiritual nature, we will see this more and more and connect deeper to the magic that lives in each and every one of us.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add?

I have wanted to write a book for some time now, every now and again I get asked to write an article or do interviews, it is then that I can see it taking shape. So, I want to thank you for this opportunity as I feel this is somehow the book, in its early stages. Also for those of you reading this, who think no one can have had it as bad as you; I am here to tell you everyday I hear stories just like my own, Stories of heartache and trauma. We all have very similar stories. It is time to bring those stories to the light. Recover from them and move on. Now is the time. Create the life you have always wanted to live. It all begins with you.

Taken from

A Modern Day Shaman

A Modern Day Shaman

When I was asked to write an article on Indigenous people from a modern day Shaman’s perspective, I thought, what could I possibly say that everyone does not already know? So then, as I often do, I began to think outside the box. Why are we so interested in Indigenous people?

Shaman Isabella Magazine Article
What is so special about them? The thought of Indigenous tribes takes us back and connects us to another time and space, a time when we trusted our intuition and knew how to be stewards of the earth. It was a time when we felt a deeper connection to everything. In today’s world we are losing our connection. With so much information coming at us all the time we have lost touch. I think we love the Indigenous peoples because we can feel they are still in touch with something much bigger than themselves. There is a certain vibe when we hear the word Indigenous. It conjures up images of a time long ago, ancient civilizations, different cultures and traditions we could never understand. It also makes us think of jungles and plant medicine, unfamiliar territory to most. But this territory is where people are finding their way back to themselves. Those who are noticing something is missing from their lives are seeking ways to get in touch with their soul’s purpose. The people who want to connect and come back to the Mother are what I call “New Indigenous Tribes.” These tribes are yearning for something more. We see them popping up everywhere. All religions, all walks of life, are joining together to make a difference in the world. Permaculture, sustainable living, communes and more, are sprouting up all over the country. Occupy “whatever” is the fad of the day and people are joining in force saying enough is enough. And, because of this, things are changing. I believe this is the time to take control of your destiny. If things are not working, fix them. We can no longer stand by and allow the lies to fill our day. One way to do this is to begin to clear your life of all that no longer serves you. I say, if it makes you feel bad or is negative, it is a lie. If it makes you feel good and is positive, it is the truth. As the old saying goes, “The truth will set you free,” and freedom is what we are all seeking. In 1991 when I began my path I remember making the decision to be honest in all my affairs. That meant absolutely no lying. It was not easy, and even harder for those around me. But I told my truth and to this day I do not lie. I feel this is one way for others to dial in to their intuitive nature. Speak your truth no matter what. All of us are connected to every living thing. Once we tune into the planet and listen, all our questions will be answered. It is a waste of time to sit around and beat yourself up over things. To tell yourself you are fat, or not good enough, or stupid. Allow these thoughts to melt away and fill your mind with love. Love is the answer, especially at this time. We are in the middle of a great change and I feel this change can bring us back to our Indigenous state of being. So, what if we took the word Indigenous and created our own culture, our own tribe, our own world? What if the word Indigenous described us as, the people of the new world, the world we have all been talking about, one filled with peace, love and light, compassion and solidarity. How would that make you feel? Imagine it now. Let that image spread all over your being. We are all feeler healers and once we clear our minds, learn how to tell the truth and trust ourselves; we will be ready for the next step, using our connection to the Mother and inner guidance to assist us on our path. The inner guidance system, what I refer to as “my very own tracking device,” is that intuition we all possess. When you are open and dialed in to your heart and the planet, magical things can, and do happen. Shamans are extremely tuned in to the Mother. They can feel her heart beat as if it were their own. Very simply put, Shamans are conduits between the physical world and spiritual world. They commune with nature and speak with spirits to assist individuals, communities, and the planet. They’re grounded in earth medicine and live between the worlds. Shamanism is not a religion, it is a spiritual practice, and can be for just about anyone, no matter your religion. People come to me from all walks of life to deepen their understanding of themselves, and grow. In 2010 I was asked to speak at the 6th Annual Shamanic Conference in Iquitos, Peru. Each July Alan Shoemaker brings people together in love to meet Ayachusca Shamans. Here they learn about plant medicine and herbs so they can explore their subconscious minds and get in touch with their souls. Speaking at the conference was extremely enlightening. Here I was this white Shaman with blonde hair from Orange County, and they accepted me. After I finished giving the Shamanic healing on stage I could feel they appreciated my work. It was during this time they named me the Golden Condor Healer. It was an affirmation from the universe that I was on the right track. Although plant medicine is not for everyone, when used correctly with a trained Ayachusa Shaman it is an experience like no other. Talk about expanding your consciousness, and healing your soul! These Indigenous Shamans made me feel like I was one of them, there was no difference between us. While there I discovered a sacred piece of land where I now lead groups on spiritual journeys. Connection to the land is vital if we are ever to get past the trauma of our lives. We have spoken long enough of worry and fear. The time is now to fully shift into this new light, this new consciousness, and we need to do it with such confidence and determination that we never look back again. It is time for us to step forward and become the new Indigenous peoples in our communities, shining our light for the world to see.
Golden Sparkles~ Isabella Stoloff is the Golden Condor Healer and a Shaman of the light. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, and speaks all over the world. Isabella is a visionary and her sessions leave you feeling clear and focused. Isabella teaches a yearlong certification course on Ancient Healing Techniques, guides people on spiritual journeys to the Amazon and Peru, and assists her clients in healing at the deepest level.

As seen in Awareness Magazine July/Aug 2012

Relationship to Self = Relationship to Spirit

Relationship to Self = Relationship to Spirit

When you hear the word relationship what is the first thing you think of?
The relationship you are in with another. The man or woman you are with, or trying to manifest, your family, your friends or your relationship to the world and all of it creations?

Do you ever contemplate the relationship to yourself?
Have you ever tuned into exploring the idea of how to create a lasting relationship with yourself,to the spirit within? A relationship that will never leave you, for it is with you all the time? This is the most important relationship of all. A relationship with your higher self equals a relationship to spirit.
Woman Relfecting
Now ask yourself, have I ever really sat down and thought about my relationship to myself? Am I looking within and thinking about creating a lasting healthy relationship to myself? Or am I running around unconscious?
You may think, “What self do I need to have a strong relationship with? The thinking self? The one that is attached to the mind? Or the one in my heart & soul, the relationship with my higher self, my spirit?

We may mediate, tune in and ask how we are doing, but for the most part we are too busy taking care of everyone else. So we do not put much effort forth into actualizing what messages we were given during the meditation. Or if we are working at it, and we get it, it’s only for a fleeting moment. How do we tap into it when we are not in meditation, how do we keep that feeling all day long?
Some of us are always working on having a better relationship with others, striving toward feeling more connected, but this is not the answer. Have you ever stopped to think, “Will I have more meaningful relationships with others, if I cultivate a relationship within myself?” I say yes! This is the key! The key to opening up and having a strong relationship with self is the way to become more connected to others.
This connection to self will support us like no other relationship we have ever had.

Some may ask, “How do I have a healthy relationship with myself? Many of us do not know where to start. We are so used to taking care of others the idea of taking care of ourselves is foreign. Or some of us have been so selfish in the past we think, “ Well, I take care of myself all the time I have no problem in that area.
I am not talking about the mind. I am talking about something deeper. I am talking about the kind of self-love, self-care that only you can give to yourself. The deep knowing that you are divinely guided. A stronger sense of self, one that your higher self is waiting to give you at all times, if only you would were to ask. Stay out of your mind and receive. Remember you are not your mind you are spirit.
Just be…leave yourself alone…get out of your own way.
Now you may think, “Well that’s what they all say. It is easier said than done!”
The mind will always want to come in and want to control. That is its job. It is your job to be aware. Awareness is the solution to creating change. Being aware when the mind comes in and softly thanking it for sharing, then tuning into your higher self, your higher thoughts and changing your vibration. This is the first step.

If we truly begin to connect to ourselves we will have a fuller richer experience with those around us. We will be able to connect at a deeper level with spirit for as we all know spirit is not outside of ourselves it comes from within.
While guiding my group to the ancient ruins of Peru we had incredible awakenings, truths & realizations of who we were in relationship to those around us, seen and unseen. Spirit orbs were everywhere. They kept materializing in our photos.
Looking back as I write this article I see they were trying to tell us something. In my opinion they were showing themselves to us so we could see what lives inside of each of us. We are all bright shinny orbs. Spiritual beings.
In this photo Peter Sterling and I are at the top of Amantani on Lake Titicaca.
If this is the type of light we all have inside of us, let us all cultivate it. Make it feel we are here for it to be made manifest through us. We are pure love. Whether or not we feel it, we are. Stay connected to that part of yourself. Remember who you are. You are this ball of light.
Spend a few moments everyday connecting with that true self that inner God or Goddess that dwells in your temple, your body. Become conscious of what you say, eat, spend your time doing. Smile, relax, find ease and grace in everything you do.

When you find your mind wandering off in a negative direction gently bring it back and remind yourself you are love, you are spirit. All things come to you effortlessly and easily. Vibrate at the highest frequency possible, and connect. Connect to the flowers and the trees the animals, and others, but most of all remember to connect to yourself. Right here, Right now, close your eyes. Drink in the true beautiful essence of who you are and what you true purpose is here. This is a time of great awakenings. Be conscious of it and transform your life.

Published for Awareness Magazine May/June Issue 2010