by isabella Stoloff | Jul 31, 2016 | Energy Healing, Video
Everyone has their own special tone. By using your voice, you can actually clear your vibration. I love assisting my clients in finding their inner wisdom using shamanic techniques. After just one session you will feel light and more in tune with your spirit!
Blessings to you all from Normans Bay!!
by isabella Stoloff | Apr 7, 2015 | Energy Healing
If you are like me you are what I call a “feeler healer”. Since we can feel what is going on with our loved ones and the planet, this can affect our mood. Many of us are experiencing this right now. Some great tips are to stay in the moment, enjoy what’s right in front of us and stay grateful. If we stop for a moment and live our life to the fullest we will be less likely to get caught up in the emotion that is running our planet.
Let us learn together how to hold space for our planet. You may ask yourself, what does it mean to hold space? I look at it like a large expansion of our beings to encompass and support that which we are holding space for.
See yourself in a golden bubble and open your heart, think of stability and support, imagine you are surrounded by your guides, and tune into your inner universal wisdom, breath into that space. Then imagine the expansion happening, send your golden light to any place on the planet you feel your support is most needed. This is the way we will learn to connect and co-create together!
by isabella Stoloff | Dec 27, 2014 | Energy Healing
Calling all Bringers of Light!!!
I have been feeling the pull, the energy shifts, and the tremendous sorrow & frustration on the earth recently. It has been like walking through shaky mud for the past few weeks. I encourage you all to hold on, hang tight, and keep your VIBE high. No matter what is showing up right now, stay centered, hold your light bright, & TRUST. The divine light is working hard to assist, but needs your faith and positive thoughts in order to wake up more humans & bring peace to earth. All the writing I have done this month has been to give you tools to aid in the transformation.
Over the next few days, hold peace in your heart, feel abundant in your spirit, & let go of all the negativity in your life. Take a plunge into the divine golden light of the new year & create a mind that is free from worry or fear. We need YOU!
Blessings from Shaman Isabella
by isabella Stoloff | Aug 9, 2013 | Energy Healing
You will notice you are ascending when you no longer complain about your life. When you stop friends from gossiping or notice that old friends are either changing right alongside you or falling away.
“How can I tell all the healing work I have done is working?”
When you look in the mirror do you still find fault with yourself or do you smile and love your body just the way it is. Have you changed the way you speak about yourself? Are you living in fear or feeling victimized? Have you finally realized that each moment is a gift? Do you dance through the house doing the mundane day to day chores feeling joy in every fiber of your being?
What do you think when you look at the bills or your bank account?
Do you stress over things you cannot change?
Here’s a little secret. No matter how much money you have YOU ARE ALIVE and tomorrow is another day.
Live the way you would if you had all the money in the world.
Clear the closets clear the clutter and live with what you truly need to be HAPPY. Make a list of what you REALLY need. Then put everything else on craigslist. Make money out of the storage unit you pay on every month.
Once you clear this clutter, the clutter of your mind will follow suit.
When your mind is FREE you will have the ability to create…create…CREATE!
Once you begin to create, magic will happen. You will remember who you are and why you are here.
Until the next time my friends….BE the LIGHT you wish to SEE in the WORLD!!!
by isabella Stoloff | Aug 5, 2013 | Energy Healing
People come to me from all walks of life. Regardless of background or religion, we are all faced with the same types of challenges.
PTSD-Loneliness-Uncertainty-Loss-Stress-Abandonment-Depression-Anxiety-Fear, Low self-worth, not good enough, victim.
Many people have an inability to move forward or are stuck in a cycle of old patterns and addiction, desperate for change.
Many of the problems we are faced with are connected to our ancestors and our past. You will learn how we repeat the patterns of our parents and grandparents. The Spiritual Healings I give, teach you how to transform your life and unwind old patterns, pain and suffering. The stories that once held you back in the past melt away, and underneath you will find your authentic self!

Shamanic Healings assist you in connecting with your inner wisdom so you can live the life you were meant to live.
Tune in and listen to the divine essence of who you truly are.