by isabella Stoloff | Jan 2, 2015 | Energy Healing
As the year comes to an end, and you reflect on this past year, what will you think of? Most of us will dwell on the mistakes or problems we had, or are still having. Very few will look over the past year and say, “Good job my friend”. Instead of beating yourself up over things you cannot change, take a moment and see all the accomplishments you have made, no matter how small. Pat yourself on the back then say, “Well done”! This is the first step in shifting your vibration to become more prosperous.
As a Shaman I teach people to take their power back by focusing their attention on releasing negative self-talk, and falling more in love with themselves. If you want to create more prosperity, then it is important to become more loving with yourself. Create a vibe around you that will increase your magnetism. You know the type of person you enjoy being around right? Someone uplifting and happy, someone who is so secure you can’t help but want to be near them. You can become the person you dream of by listening to your inner guidance.
Most of us are so in our heads it’s hard to get out. We find ourselves in an unstoppable cycle of repetitive patterns. Mentally we go over the same problem trying to find a better solution. Does doing this really help? I feel this is actually what keeps us from finding inner peace. Make a promise to yourself that in the year 2015 you will commit to living in present time consciousness. Let go of the worry, and try something new. Trust that everything will work itself out as long as you stay positive and keep a high vibration. Do this for 30 days and see what happens.
One way I have been able to shift is to listen to my thoughts, and observe how they make me feel. How you feel has a great deal to do with how your life is showing up. When one creates a vibration of love, and safety around them, automatically things begin to get better.
Many times I had to fake it till I made it, but it worked! Each time I shifted my consciousness and vibration around an issue the issue dissolved, and things worked out. Now that’s not to say it was always in my favor, it’s just that the way I felt about the situation and my perceptions shifted, so I was happier.
It can just be a subtle shift, a little reminder that your thoughts are going in the wrong direction. Then you gently bring your awareness into your body and breathe. Release all that no longer serves you. Find all the things you are grateful for, smile for no reason, sit quietly and find joy in the silence. I know these seem like simple tools for success but they work. Once you can get a handle on your thoughts you will notice your body more, and your intuition will heighten. The importance of having a heightened intuition is learning to trust your inner guidance. As a society we have given our power away for so long that we have begun to not trust ourselves. We need to trust our inner knowing so we can experience happier, prosperous lives.
Everyone is searching for an answer. All of us want the key to success. My feeling is true success comes from deep within. It comes from a place of falling so in love with ourselves that we believe in who we are as individuals, trust our decisions, and know that we deserve the best that life has to offer.
This year, learn how to shift the energetics of a situation by shifting your perceptions, and watch your whole life change!
About Shaman Isabella Stoloff:
Shaman Isabella Stoloff is a dynamic leader. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009 and since that time has committed herself to leaving the world a better place. Isabella has been called the Golden Condor and World Ambassador. She has traveled to connect people to their inner wisdom and provide ceremonies for the land. She has a full time practice, writes articles, a YouTube channel, and does guest spots to carry the message of enlightenment. Isabella is a mother and grandmother and understands what is needed today to raise a conscious family. Shaman Isabella feels honored to be on the planet during this time of great awakening. She feels once you empower yourself through positive thought and action you will feel connected and centered. Isabella’s message is to awaken to the light that you are, so you can become the Shaman in your own life.
Published by The Magical Buffet
by isabella Stoloff | Dec 27, 2014 | Energy Healing
Calling all Bringers of Light!!!
I have been feeling the pull, the energy shifts, and the tremendous sorrow & frustration on the earth recently. It has been like walking through shaky mud for the past few weeks. I encourage you all to hold on, hang tight, and keep your VIBE high. No matter what is showing up right now, stay centered, hold your light bright, & TRUST. The divine light is working hard to assist, but needs your faith and positive thoughts in order to wake up more humans & bring peace to earth. All the writing I have done this month has been to give you tools to aid in the transformation.
Over the next few days, hold peace in your heart, feel abundant in your spirit, & let go of all the negativity in your life. Take a plunge into the divine golden light of the new year & create a mind that is free from worry or fear. We need YOU!
Blessings from Shaman Isabella
by isabella Stoloff | Jul 20, 2014 | Energy Healing
So many of us are looking for ways to simplify our lives and live from an authentic place. We are seeking ways to connect in a more spiritual way with ourselves and others. But for many this can be challenging. We either don’t understand what it means to be spiritual or to have lost faith.
So what does “being more spiritual” really mean? For me it means becoming more in tune with nature and the cycles of the earth, and becoming more conscious in my day-to-day life. It means remembering what it is like to be part of a tribe, a community, and becoming more indigenous. As I stated in my 2012 article, “It is time to return to our roots and create the new indigenous tribes.” For the past 5 years I have been weaving a new life for myself, a life that feels connected and conscious. Coming from where I came from this was not easy.
For the first 31 years of my life I lived in such an unconscious place, I thought that I was doomed. I worked hard at fitting in, trying to be one of the crowd, when all along I felt like a misfit. At that time I didn’t know I was actually a spiritual being looking for ways to connect. I believe this is what is happening with many people today.
Many are looking for ways to connect in an authentic way, yet have no idea how. Becoming more connected can show up in a variety of ways. Looking into the cashier’s eyes when buying groceries or paying for gas, or just saying hello and asking how they are. Another way is to do something kind for a stranger. My mother would always find ways to plant trees and give blankets to the homeless. There are so many ways to become more spiritually connected and live from an authentic place. One way to tune into your spiritual nature is by becoming more aware of not only your thoughts and words but also of what you eat. I used to be a junk-food junkie but in the past 20 years I have worked toward eating healthier foods. Since I cut out foods with chemicals I have found that I have more energy. Recently I started a green cleanse and am amazed at how much more intuitive I am. I have always been very tuned in with my clients but since this green cleanse, my intuition is off the charts. I can really feel the difference in my energy body. What we ingest is vital. Somewhere in our DNA structure there are indigenous cells. These cells are used to healthy foods, foods straight from the land.
Once we clear and clean these cells we can become more dialed in. It is this cellular memory that will assist us in awakening. Once awake our perceptions shift easily and there is no longer a need to stay attached to old ideas. We will begin to look at life with more compassion and understanding, creating more spirituality and authenticity in our daily lives. If you are one who is seeking to become more spiritually evolved, then look deep within. Find out who you are and how you tick. Change things that keep you from living your truth. Trust that you are a divine being with a mission and don’t let others dictate how you should live your life. Trust in your ability to connect and create. From this place you will be able to manifest a rich reality, one where you can feel whole, connected and at peace. It is important to keep a positive outlook on life and journal your progress. See where you are still negative or down on yourself and be kind. Go slowly through this process so you can learn to love and honor yourself. One of our many gifts as humans is the ability to create. We have this beautiful mind from which ideas take root and form. Use your mind and free yourself from old ways of thinking. Blossom and grow into the beautiful being you came here to be. When we become grateful for ourselves, and how we are showing up in the world, things begin to change. It is time to take root in the earth and shine our light for the world to see.
“Transforming my life has been a passion of mine for over 20 years. I look forward to assisting you in connecting with your soul at the deepest level.” Isabella founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, and speaks all over the world. She is a visionary, and after her sessions, she will leave you feeling clear, creative and connected. Isabella provides house clearings, one-on-one sessions, private Shaman training and spiritual journeys.
Published in Awareness Magazine June/July 2014
by isabella Stoloff | Apr 11, 2014 | Energy Healing
Thoughts of Indigenous tribes takes us back and connects us to another time, a time when we trusted our intuition and knew how to be stewards of the earth. It was a time when we felt a deeper connection to everything. In today’s world we are losing our connection to not only each other but to our beautiful mother a well. With so much information coming at us all the time we are beginning to lose touch with what is really important. Ask yourself what is important to you. Are you more caught up in what other’s think of you, or whether you have the newest cool thing out on the market? Now there is nothing wrong with wanting material things so long as you find balance so you can grow spiritually. Now is the time to go back to our roots, to remember where we come from. There is a certain vibe when we hear the word Indigenous. It conjures up images of a time long ago, ancient civilizations, and ways of connecting to nature that we have lost. It also makes us think of jungles and plant medicine, unfamiliar territory to most. But this territory is where many people are finding their way back to themselves. Those who are noticing something is missing from their lives are seeking ways to get in touch with their soul’s purpose. The people who want to connect and come back to the Mother are what I call “New Indigenous Tribes.” These tribes are yearning for something more. We see them popping up everywhere. All religions, all walks of life, are joining together to make a difference in the world. Permaculture, sustainable living, communes and more are sprouting up all over the country. Occupy “whatever” is the fad of the day and people are joining in force saying enough is enough. Because of this, things are changing for the better. I believe this is the time to take control of your destiny. If things are not working, fix them. We can no longer stand by and allow society to dictate what works. Clear your life of what no longer serves you and clear the clutter of your mind. I say; “If it makes you feel bad or is negative, it is a lie. If it makes you feel good and is positive, it is the truth”. As the old saying goes, “The truth will set you free” and freedom is what we are all seeking.
In 1991 when I began my path of spiritual growth I remember making the decision to be honest in all my affairs. That meant absolutely no lying. It was not easy at first, and even harder for those around me. But I told my truth and to this day I do not lie. I feel this is one way for others to dial in to their intuitive nature. Speak your truth no matter what.
Remember you are connected to every living thing; breathe in the truth of this statement. Once we tune into the planet and listen, all our questions will be answered. It is a waste of time to sit around and beat yourself up over things. To tell yourself you are fat, or not good enough, or stupid. Allow these thoughts to melt away and fill your mind with forgiveness and love. Love is the answer, especially at this time. We are in the middle of a great change and I feel this change can bring us back to our Indigenous state of being.
So, what if we took the word Indigenous and created our own culture, our own tribe, our own world? What if the word Indigenous described us as, the people of the new world, the world we have all been talking about, one filled with trust, peace, love and light, compassion and solidarity. How would that make you feel? Imagine it now. Let that image spread all over your being.
We are all feeler healers and once you clear your mind, learn how to tell the truth and trust; you will have the tools needed to create beautiful lives. The more dialed in you are the better your life will be. When you are open to the divine and fully in touch with your heart magical things can, and do happen~
by isabella Stoloff | Dec 6, 2013 | Energy Healing
Once I stepped onto my Shaman’s path in 2006 I knew I had to finally let go of the story of victimization that rang like a loud bell throughout my life. It took me until 2009 to really “get it” and now I know who I am and trust what I feel. As women we have to see the truth about ourselves and then be willing to throw what no longer serves us into the fire, and burn away all the old negative belief systems. Then and only then can we move forward and truly trust ourselves. I personally found so much release when I realized in the center of my being that I had chosen my parents as well as all the challenges I had gone through in my lifetime. Once I fully grasped the concept I began to systematically look over my life and let go of all of the stories that held me back and created separation. I began to write about my issues and burn them. During one of my many trips to Peru I found that fire was transformational, and sure enough the more I wrote and burned the less I was triggered. I looked over all the times I had given my power away to other people, place and things. I made peace in my soul for all the wrong I had done or had been done to me. It wasn’t easy at first, so I created techniques to use that allowed my mind freedom from the negativity and I began teaching others to do the same. The more I practiced, the better I became at shifting my consciousness. I truly believe when we learn how to shift our perceptions our life changes. It is time for us as women to take responsibly for our creations and know our souls so well that we understand what we are doing and why. Take ownership and allow the beauty of honesty, compassion and understanding into our lives. There is magic in being vulnerable, and trusting our inner guidance. When we do this we are able to make lasting friendships, ones where we can speak our truth with no fear of being judged. I have run on both sides of the tracks but I have to say being honest and open works much better for me. When I said no more to gossip and little white lies my whole world opened up. Once I set the intention to have loving women in my life, they appeared and the old ones faded away, a distant memory of who I once allowed myself to be. Remember there are no victims only volunteers. Who are you volunteering to be? Stop talking about your friends behind their backs in the guise of helping or caring. If you have something to say, do it to their face. They will appreciate it much more and you will feel better about yourself. Today I speak to my friends with an open heart. I say right away when something bothers me and I trust them to do the same. As we step into this new divine honest feminine flow and create lasting relationships it is important to be impeccable with our words. I teach my clients their words are spells and their thoughts are things. I encourage them to love themselves by being the kind of human that can walk with their head held high. This is how to manifest and have the life you desire. By being the best you can be. Shifting your consciousness is easy once you figure out that it all comes from within. If every woman in the world went to their mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends and said, “I love you no matter what”, and asked for forgiveness and forgave them as well, the healing would begin. If every one of us could see ourselves in the other’s eyes and become a mirror, this world would change, and mother earth would smile on her children once again. I dedicate this article to all the women I have hurt and to all those who have hurt me. But mostly I give this piece to those women who have been there for me no matter what. You all know who you are and I love you. Shaman Isabella Stoloff Isabella provides private shaman training, one-on-one healings, house clearings & blessings, weddings & sacred journeys. Her next journey to Cusco, Peru is 2014. Isabella assists her clients in releasing all that no longer serves them, so they can ignite the light within. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009, is a graduate of Healing the Light Body & has a Master of Fine Arts in Performance.
As seen in Awareness Magazine