Find Clarity as your Energy Shifts ~ INTUITIVE INK Podcast

Find Clarity as your Energy Shifts ~ INTUITIVE INK Podcast

ClearSource Radio’s “Intuitive Ink” | Host: Servet Hasan
Guest: Shaman Isabella Stoloff | Duration: 10 Minutes

Get out of that karmic loop! Find clarity as your energy shifts…

Listen in as Shaman Isabella Stoloff joins host Servet Hasan on “Intuitive Ink”, explaining how life experiences guided her to shamanism (“a shaman is a conduit between the physical world and spiritual world”).  Isabella also takes calls from listeners.  Caller Megan – an intuitive – asks for clarity in her desire to shift away from taking on the energy of those she heals and transitioning to a new career.  Shaman Isabella assists over the air, performing a past life extraction and closing of portals in Megan’s home.  If you haven’t experienced an energy healing from Shaman Isabella, this is a great sample of her work. Tune in anytime!
Naturally Savvy Radio: Mastering Your Mind

Naturally Savvy Radio: Mastering Your Mind

Air Date: June 01, 2016 | Duration: 10 Minutes
Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH

Did you know that your old beliefs can be a huge hurdle in living a happy and healthy life? Past experiences can become ingrained in your mindset and prevent you from realizing your best self.

Whether those experiences were instances of bullying from others or self-inflicted chastisement, they can have life-long impacts. The key is to release those past experiences and stop repeating the same old story.

Tune into ‘Naturally Savvy’ radio for this month’s segment with Shaman Isabella Stoloff, with her suggestions for mastering your own mind!


Synchronicity: The Power of Meaningful Coincidences

Synchronicity: The Power of Meaningful Coincidences

Radio MD’s ‘Naturally Savvy’ | Hosts: Andrea Donsky & Lisa Davis
Guest: Shaman Isabella Stoloff | Duration: 10 Minutes
Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.  Renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung explained it as a “meaningful coincidence.”

According to Live Science, the concept of synchronicity came to Jung during a period of mental illness in the early 1900s. Jung became convinced that everything in the universe is intimately connected, and that suggested to him that there must exist a collective unconscious of humankind. This implied to him that events happening all over the world at the same time must be connected in some unknown way.

Listen in as Shaman Isabella Stoloff joins host Andrea Donsky to discuss synchronicity, how it works, and how it can help you be more conscious and aware in your everyday life.


10 Signs You Need A Healing Retreat

10 Signs You Need A Healing Retreat


Our society is fast paced and we often forget to slow down and really spend time planning the direction we want to point ourselves. Our bodies and minds are constantly trying to catch up as we scurry around to keep up with the unseen pressures of our modern culture. If you feel a calling to help your community, joining a group of metaphysical aficionados could be just what the doctor ordered! Our culture needs thought leaders not followers. The process of becoming a leader requires self-love and visions that will create a bridge to a new paradigm. A retreat is not just for you, it’s for all the people you will touch with an inspired vision and renewed connection to your soul. If you’re wondering if a sacred site tour is for you, see how many of these signs you’re showing to help you decide.

You Are A Sensitive Person

If you bombarded by negativity at work or in your home, this means you are a sensitive person. If you are affected by events on the news and feel like you want to do more to help people, you are an empathic person that can greatly benefit from being around like minded people. Sensitive people can make great changes in society but they need to learn how to create boundaries in how much they give and take on. A healing retreat can recharge you and help you learn how to stop taking on energy that drains you.

You Feel Like You Just Need A Break

Kind people often keep their nose down and work really hard but they don’t realize that everyone needs a break sometimes. If you’re feeling like you’re in a routine, bored or not growing, a healing retreat with Shaman Isabella can help you change your thinking and break ingrained patterns that are hard to see when we are in them. Getting away can help you take a bird’s eye view on your life so you can see what’s working and what you no longer need.

You Want To Connect With Like Minded People

Do you often feel as though you are not like the people around you? If you are interested in metaphysical subjects, healing, shamanism or are just someone who is more open minded, a healing retreat can really help you feel comfortable in your own skin. If you’ve always felt you are different than most people, chances are you haven’t found your tribe yet. If you’re interested in learning about energy, chakras, self development, meditation and more, a healing retreat is a fun and relaxing environment to connect with kindred spirits and grow your interests.

You Feel Drained of Energy

Have you been feeling blah or depressed recently? A healing retreat can help you create a vision and get in touch with your passion and life goals. If you feel drained and fatigued, chances are you need to take time to see why. Retreats offer a safe and supportive environment where you can reflect and refresh your mind. The value of slowing down and being fully present is truly remarkable and exciting!

You Want To Learn About Natural Healing Practices

If you have been wanted to learn more about ancient healing practices, a healing retreat with a real shaman would be an enriching experience. Your higher self will guide you to seek out the things that can be helpful for you and if you’re in the healing arts or wanting to join, spending a week with a professional healer can be just the inspiration and education to get you to open your gifts for others. In a healing retreat at sacred sites you will experience group meditations and ceremonies. You will have an opportunity to experience the energy, the healing and share with others.

You Love Meditation and All Things Magical

Are you always buying crystals, reading metaphysical books or talking about astrology? If you’re into shamanism, yoga, meditation or have been curious about what it’s all about, dive in with a fun healing retreat! If you have a strong interest in yoga, the chakras or other cultures you will definitely have fun and learn a lot of valuable and practical information to use in your daily life. Many people don’t know how to use meditation to actually change their life, a retreat gives you time to learn tools that you can take with you for the rest of your life.

You Are Always Helping Other People

Are you a habitual do-gooder? Are you constantly helping people but forget to take time for yourself? There’s nothing wrong with being there for others, the world needs more people like you. But you also need to recharge your batteries. Self love is something that a lot of natural nurturers need to carve out time in their schedule for. If you feel like you’ve been supporting everyone else, a healing retreat to sacred sites is the perfect gift to yourself. In fact, you’ll learn more ways to nurture the ones you love and it can greatly improve your relationships with them.

You’re Trying To Connect To Your Life Mission

Do you feel a little lost? Most people experience confusion when getting in touch with the deepest part of themselves because so many people don’t have the courage to fulfill their life calling. If you know you don’t want to live an ordinary life and want to find your life calling, a healing retreat with Shaman Isabella is a great place to take the time to listen to your heart. Answers can be found in the stillness and in the company of a professional healer.

You Want to Learn How To Create A More Positive Life

If you find yourself arguing with loved ones, complaining or just feeling like problems find you easily, you could benefit from the tools of positive thinking and empowerment that you will learn on a healing retreat. These are real life tools and lifestyle skills that should be taught in schools. Give yourself the power of positive thinking by studying with a powerful shaman who can help you recognize negative thought patterns and heal.

“What Makes You Happy?” Tune In: Shaman Isabella on Radio MD

“What Makes You Happy?” Tune In: Shaman Isabella on Radio MD

Listen in as Stoloff joins Andrea and Lisa to help you get to that desired state of happiness!” width=”400″ />

Air Date: February 03, 2016 | Duration: 10 Minutes
Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH

From ‘Naturally Savvy Radio: “…in our society, it’s easy to get bogged down by all of the negativity. Stress, finances, relationships, and the state of the world can certainly add to a depressive state. How can you beat that negativity? According to Shaman Isabella Stoloff, founder of Orange County Healing Center, you can start by learning about your “heart’s intelligence.” This is a concept that suggests your heart is more intelligent than your brain. When you listen with your heart and feel with your mind, you can raise the vibrations within you and completely shift your energy to a more positive light. Listen in as Stoloff joins Andrea and Lisa to help you get to that desired state of happiness!