Spiritual Blog
Understanding memory imprints
Understanding memory imprints A memory imprint not only lives in our mind but in our energy body/ vibration as well. It keeps us stuck in the past, going over the same thing again and again It is trapped energy that needs to be removed so we can move forward. Bringing...
What does an Energy Healing at the Orange County Healing Center with Shaman Isabella look like?
Our healing session begins with you telling me what's happening in your life. My medicine bag contains stones. These stones have worked through all my issues and now countless clients as well. The mountains have been listening to our stories since the beginning of...
Mystic Mag Interview
How did Isabella become Shaman Isabella? I feel I have been training for Shamanism my entire life, although I did not know it until I was almost 50. When I was very young, I never really felt connected, I always felt I was on the outside looking in. I could feel...
Audio Meditation: Creating Space In Your Mind
Are you stuck in the same old patterns or have you broken free from your mind and allowed yourself time to fly? Personally I go back and forth. Sometimes I feel stuck and others I am able to make my way out of my mind. This is the ebb and flow of life. What’s most...
Audio Meditation – Inner Child
Past wounds can get stuck in your energy field and chakra body creating feelings of lack and fear as well as many other issues. Becoming conscious of how you feel is key. Throughout the day check in with yourself and see how you are feeling. Notice how you feel...
Meditation & Prayer
There are many different ways to meditate. Sitting still is not always the answer for everyone all the time. Any chance you get to unload your mind do it. You can watch your thoughts as you walk down the street or as you are gardening. Expressive movement & dance...
Psychic & Shaman: Dirty Little Beauty Secrets
A Day Outside of Time
Feeling down?
If you are feeling lost and alone know that you are not. We are one. You are a divine being and when you begin to trust yourself and build confidence, your whole world will change. View more meditations here.
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I am able to clear away negative and stagnant energy. You will walk away from our sessions feeling lighter and more grounded.