any of the reasons we cannot move forward or feel stuck in our lives is we are insecure. When we are little the things that are said to us or the events that happen in our lives help mold and form our personalities. They say the first 5 years are the most important. I know this is true for when I finally got my life together in 1991 and went back to school I was able to succeed in part due to those first 5 years of life. Even though they were dramatic, they were also filled with learning, creativity and love. Yet even with all that I had an enormous amount of insecurity. This insecurity made me judge myself. All through my adult life I felt less than and not good enough. I always felt someone else could do a better job. With that said I also felt contradicted. I knew I was capable of doing anything I set my mind to. This is the duality of life. I have learned to love all those parts of myself for they make me who I am. I release what no longer serves me in love and gratitude. These days we live in a confusing time. We have more choices now than ever before. This is why I am teaching to trust yourself. To release any old insecurity, knowing you are divine light and love. By just saying the words I release insecurity and step into my true nature, you will begin to feel more secure, and judgment will disappear. When you are living in the moment full expressing your true self there is no room for insecurities. They will just fade away. Today practice loving yourself in the moment every moment. Shine your love out of your heart space and share that love with everyone you meet. For those of you that have been following I worked on my book yesterday and had much success. I found I had more inspiration to create. I also made added a page to me dream/vision book. I love cutting out pictures and words to paste and manifest. I went to Michaels a bought a hard covered black book in which to make all my dream-boards. Before I would always end up throwing them away. Now I have 4 years’ worth of lovely visions and can see what has manifested. This way you can track your progress. Today I turned 51 and feel like this is going to be one of my best years. I look forward to hearing how your 21 days of momentum went when this is all over. Stay tuned!