
Calling all Bringers of Light!!!

I have been feeling the pull, the energy shifts, and the tremendous sorrow & frustration on the earth recently. It has been like walking through shaky mud for the past few weeks. I encourage you all to hold on, hang tight, and keep your VIBE high. No matter what is showing up right now, stay centered, hold your light bright, & TRUST. The divine light is working hard to assist, but needs your faith and positive thoughts in order to wake up more humans & bring peace to earth. All the writing I have done this month has been to give you tools to aid in the transformation.

Over the next few days, hold peace in your heart, feel abundant in your spirit, & let go of all the negativity in your life. Take a plunge into the divine golden light of the new year & create a mind that is free from worry or fear. We need YOU!

Blessings from Shaman Isabella