Make Your Heart Sing

Make Your Heart Sing

Heart Sing! “LET GO” and allow your life to manifest in a beautiful way! Watch your thoughts and see where you are still fighting with yourself. After you bring awareness to that thought, you will become more conscious and in turn be able to shift and release so you can live an incredible life.

Explore a variety of things to get you more in tune with your authentic self. Then go deep within and ask yourself, “What is it that truly makes me happy?” This is what life is really all about…finding that which makes our hearts sing, for once we discover this our whole world will change!

Have a blessed day!

Calling All Women

Calling All Women

Dear Women, we have been asleep for too long. We have allowed our power to be stripped away and we have given- till we can give no more. Many have come before us and fought for our right to vote, to speak and to be heard. But there is still more to be done. We cannot lie down now. We are in a time of revolution and expansion. As the caregivers we will be the ones to birth a new generation, a generation of balanced, thoughtful children, children who will trust themselves, and listen to their intuition. Those children will stand up for their rights as humans, their right for clean water, clean air, and clean food. But it has to start with us. The women.

I write this letter to all who will listen, those of you who have been awake for some time, and those of you still asleep. For those of you who have found your voice, and those of you still seeking a way out of the lives you have created for yourselves.

First become totally honest with yourself, and those around you. Stop hiding. Stop lying. Start to speak your truth and trust the truth you speak. Learn how to listen to your intuition by hearing your inner voice. Once you clear the clutter of your mind you can hear your truth and start to see the signs of synchronicity all around you. This is why meditation is so important, for it is only when we clear our minds that our higher selves can be heard.

Mediation can be done in a variety of ways. It does not have to be traditional, as that does not work for everyone. Explore different ways of quieting your mind and releasing the judgments. Start by listening to your thoughts. Hear yourself, listen to what you are thinking, and if you do not like what you hear change the thought; simple as that. Once you gain control of your mind, your intuition will deepen. As women one of our biggest attributes is our intuition. Allow this to be your guide and teach your children to do the same. Ask yourself, “How do I feel about this?” Your feelings will never lie to you.

We are in a great time of awakening on the planet, of learning how to balance the masculine and feminine within. I believe by doing this we are helping Mother Earth to balance her energies as well. Expand your consciousness and live outside the box.

This year of the horse has been the fastest year yet. I have faced some of my biggest challenges, and come out a strong person for it. The year started out a bit rocky as you can tell by my early YouTube videos from the beginning of 2014. But by March I was up and running and I have been busier and happier than I have ever been in my life. I have trusted my intuition more and more, and learned how to follow energy. I look for the synchronicity life brings me every day and I stay grateful.

I recently traveled to Bulgaria and England to do earth healings and ceremony. One of my teachers Marcella Lobos gifted a group of women with the Womb Keeper Rites in Joshua Tree right before my journey, and at each ceremony I held after, I installed them for women as they were gifted to me. The rite of the womb allows women to release pain and suffering and embrace the truth of who they really are, life giving creatures, abundant and beautiful.

As women we have so much to offer. It all begins with us.

Be kind, compassionate, and nurturing with yourself, just as you would another. Face yourself and love what you see. Find the jewel in your soul and let it shine. Then raise a generation of intuitive humans, humans that love in order to make the world a better place.

With much Gratitude & Light
Shaman Isabella

Published in Awareness Magazine 2014/15

Spiritual Healing & Clearing

Spiritual Healing & Clearing

Shaman_Isabella_Blog_goddess_of_healingThis past weekend and especially 1-11 there was much heavy energy on the planet. If you are feeling any darkness, know that you are light and in the light darkness fades. If you or your loved ones are experiencing any difficulty do your best to shine your lovely light and call in the archangels, feel the support they offer. Know that you are divinely guided and absolutely protected at all times. Many of you could be experiencing what is called “a dark night of the soul”. Do not be afraid. This is happening due to the fact that you yourself have untapped healing ability. Now is NOT the time to go into fear. Now is the time to beam as bright as you can and trust in the God of your own understanding to guide and support you. Doing this along with your own creating more positive thoughts and vibrations it the best medicine. You will get through this, I promise! I know you are not used to getting posts like this from me, the only reason I am sending this out is because of the numerous calls I received this past weekend. Trust me when I say you’ve got this! Hold space for those still suffering all round the world and hold peace in your heart. Please look over my site and YouTube channel as it will help you. Read what I have written over the years and watch the free healings I have given. You are right where you are supposed to be.
Trust and BELIEVE in yourself. Become your own best friend!
In love light and service!

~ Shaman Isabella

How to Ground

How to Ground

Grounding is an important tool in manifesting. But how does one ground. One way is to get your feet in the dirt. Take off your shoes and stand in the yard, whether on grass or dirt, the earth has energy to assist you in grounding your energy. But what if you cannot get to dirt? It is as simple as taking a breath. Take a deep breath in and concentrate on moving your energy into the earth. Take a few deep belly breaths and imagine you are going into the mother. Our beautiful mother earth is here to guide you and answer your prayers. So feel your heart deeply connecting with her, as you ground your energy and trust all will be well. When you set a clear intention for manifesting and ground it in the earth the Universe hears you, and as it is the law will give you what you truly desire. I like to say, “Highest and best good~no harm to anyone” when I ask the Universe to support me. Feel the love of Pachamama and know deep in your heart that you deserve the best! Ground yourself daily.
Have a blessed and beautiful day!

Trusting in Yourself

Are you the type of person who has always trusted yourself? Then this is not the article for you. I am here to speak to those like myself, those people who gave their power away and trusted everyone BUT themselves. Those of us that thought everyone else’s opinions were better than their own.

For many years I was a victim. I placed myself in situations where others controlled my life. I felt I always made bad decisions and so I stopped making them. I would ask at least 3, if not more people what I should do and then I would pick the one that sounded best.

In 1991 I began to step into my power and went back to school. This was not easy. As a single mother of 3 trying to manage was incredibly difficult, but I did it. Something inside of me was crying out to be heard, and although I did not know it at the time, this was the beginning of my spiritual awakening.
I read books on positive affirmations, and made new choices in the way I thought about myself, I did a lot of writing. I even burned some of it not knowing at the time it was a shamanic tool for release. I began to feel better, but I still did not trust my decision making process. No one had ever talked to me about my intuition or how to access it.

In 2006, my whole world changed. As I entered the world of Shamanism I found I was a feeler healer, as I know many of us are. Learning how to trust my intuition became a daily practice. I would make decisions based on how I felt. If I was wrong, I would not beat myself up, I would simply say, “That was a lesson”. Each lesson helped me to gain a better understanding of myself and how I worked.

I began treating myself like my own best friend. I spoke kindly about myself and to myself, and became hyper aware of my thoughts, words and actions. I became totally honest with everyone around me, most of all myself.
Once you become totally honest with yourself and take inventory of your life you can look around and see what is no longer working for you. In today’s world there are so many choices, and so much technology, we are getting further and further way from whom we really are.

Find yourself in the moment and ask yourself what truly makes you happy. Is it the new gadget, app, bigger house, or car? Are you looking outside of yourself to find happiness?

We can only truly be happy when we go inside ourselves and look around. Take a moment and breathe. Listen to your mind. What is the one thing you worry about the most? This is the thing you are giving your power away to. Stop giving it power. Breathe and shift your consciousness. Only you have the power to change your mind. The moment you decided to trust yourself, and become more conscious in your everyday living, the happier you will become.

Take stock of your life and how you want to live it. Clear out the clutter and get back to the basics. YOU are the most important person… YES you! You are the only one who can provide yourself with the comfort and care you deserve.

Once we start being kind to ourselves our intuition grows and we make decisions based on what’s best for us.
Make a commitment to yourself. Write a contract to be more loving, honest and compassionate with yourself. Those around you may have a hard time with the new you, but the real friends will stay around and admire your personal growth.

Trusting ourselves and teaching our children to do the same will grow a generation of leaders and our world will be a better place to live.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff founded the Orange County Healing Center. She has a full time practice and travels all over the world teaching and leading ceremony.

Create a Vibration of Prosperity in the New Year!

Create a Vibration of Prosperity in the New Year!

As the year comes to an end, and you reflect on this past year, what will you think of? Most of us will dwell on the mistakes or problems we had, or are still having. Very few will look over the past year and say, “Good job my friend”. Instead of beating yourself up over things you cannot change, take a moment and see all the accomplishments you have made, no matter how small. Pat yourself on the back then say, “Well done”! This is the first step in shifting your vibration to become more prosperous.

As a Shaman I teach people to take their power back by focusing their attention on releasing negative self-talk, and falling more in love with themselves. If you want to create more prosperity, then it is important to become more loving with yourself. Create a vibe around you that will increase your magnetism. You know the type of person you enjoy being around right? Someone uplifting and happy, someone who is so secure you can’t help but want to be near them. You can become the person you dream of by listening to your inner guidance.
Most of us are so in our heads it’s hard to get out. We find ourselves in an unstoppable cycle of repetitive patterns. Mentally we go over the same problem trying to find a better solution. Does doing this really help? I feel this is actually what keeps us from finding inner peace. Make a promise to yourself that in the year 2015 you will commit to living in present time consciousness. Let go of the worry, and try something new. Trust that everything will work itself out as long as you stay positive and keep a high vibration. Do this for 30 days and see what happens.
One way I have been able to shift is to listen to my thoughts, and observe how they make me feel. How you feel has a great deal to do with how your life is showing up. When one creates a vibration of love, and safety around them, automatically things begin to get better.
Many times I had to fake it till I made it, but it worked! Each time I shifted my consciousness and vibration around an issue the issue dissolved, and things worked out. Now that’s not to say it was always in my favor, it’s just that the way I felt about the situation and my perceptions shifted, so I was happier.
It can just be a subtle shift, a little reminder that your thoughts are going in the wrong direction. Then you gently bring your awareness into your body and breathe. Release all that no longer serves you. Find all the things you are grateful for, smile for no reason, sit quietly and find joy in the silence. I know these seem like simple tools for success but they work. Once you can get a handle on your thoughts you will notice your body more, and your intuition will heighten. The importance of having a heightened intuition is learning to trust your inner guidance. As a society we have given our power away for so long that we have begun to not trust ourselves. We need to trust our inner knowing so we can experience happier, prosperous lives.
Everyone is searching for an answer. All of us want the key to success. My feeling is true success comes from deep within. It comes from a place of falling so in love with ourselves that we believe in who we are as individuals, trust our decisions, and know that we deserve the best that life has to offer.
This year, learn how to shift the energetics of a situation by shifting your perceptions, and watch your whole life change!
About Shaman Isabella Stoloff:
Shaman Isabella Stoloff is a dynamic leader. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009 and since that time has committed herself to leaving the world a better place. Isabella has been called the Golden Condor and World Ambassador. She has traveled to connect people to their inner wisdom and provide ceremonies for the land. She has a full time practice, writes articles, a YouTube channel, and does guest spots to carry the message of enlightenment. Isabella is a mother and grandmother and understands what is needed today to raise a conscious family. Shaman Isabella feels honored to be on the planet during this time of great awakening. She feels once you empower yourself through positive thought and action you will feel connected and centered. Isabella’s message is to awaken to the light that you are, so you can become the Shaman in your own life.

Published by The Magical Buffet