How do you live outside of time?  How do you become more mindful of what’s going on in your life?  
I always teach my clients to step outside of the mind and not attach to the drama, and how to step back and take a breath and be in a still place.  BE with yourself, and see how you’re interacting with the world.  Know that there’s a bigger plan.  When we connect consciously, we can become mindful of what we can do as an individual to avoid drama, family issues or lack consciousness (feeling like there’s not enough).  There’s always enough, there’s always beauty in the moment.

What you are thinking, you create.  The law of attraction says what you are feeling in the moment, you will get more of.   The one thing you truly have power over is your mind!  Trust that things can change!  BREATHE IN…and OUT…and listen to the sound of your breath and rest in that moment of stillness.
Have a Blessed & Beautiful Day, Tribe!