Well here we are Day 1, the 21-day challenge has finally come to an end, or has it? I see that I counted backwards starting at Day 21. So now it looks like it is Day 1 of the challenge ☺. So I once again challenge you to create another 21 days for yourself. Keep a journal, and every day write down something inspirational for yourself to read and re-read. We all have down days it is part of life. The thing is not to let those days snowball into a never-ending cycle of suffering. By keeping a journal you can see how far you have come. You can read over those inspirational messages you leave for yourself. Tune into the light that connects you to who you are. Practice automatic writings. By channeling your higher self and writing what comes forth you will have a fresh new perspective on whatever it is you feel is standing in your way of creating the best life ever. I had a boyfriend once who, when I was feeling down would say, “Well, at least you can feel”. This made a huge impact on me. YES! I thought, at least I can feel today. I spent so many years self-medicating to get out of how I was feeling that I had forgotten how to feel. Today, I love and honor my feelings, and try not to judge them. I watch my thoughts and I am careful of the words I speak. I live in right relationship with the planet, my fellow man and myself. I am far from perfect but I can see my growth and I am grateful. Remember you create your own reality. Words + Thoughts + Feelings + Action. Plant a seed today for what you would like to have in your experience. Water the seed with love and intention for it to grow. Plant a garden in your mind and feel how beautiful it is. Raising our vibrations, and in turn the vibrations of the planet, is as easy taking a moment and breathing in the deliciousness of who you are. Love yourself in every moment. Remember you are pure light. I look forward to assisting you and your families on finding your passion in the near future. Please stay in touch by checking my calendar for upcoming events.
Keep shinning!